XFree86 has several community lists open to open-source and XFree86 developers and users. These lists are the only way to participate in XFree86 discussion. We have neither private development often called member-only lists nor IRC channels.
Everything we do and discuss happens on these lists, which are easily broken out for you to pick the best one for your purposes.
All XFree86 community mailing lists are unmoderated, and require list-subscription for posting.
The XFree86 list is for user help and support issues, including installation, configuration and setup issues regardless of the hardware or software platform. Before posting a question check our Getting Help and Resources pages and even the mail archives themselves as your concern may have already been answered.
The devel list is best for all XFree86 development issues.
CVS commit messages for the XFree86 CVS repository can be viewed by subscribing to the CVS-commit list. This list is read-only. If a particular commit message catches your eye and you would like to discuss it further, use our devel list noting the specific commit message so everyone can follow along easily.
You can also access the whole list and avoid daily messages by viewing our Changelog.
Forum is available for discussing news issues relevant to either X11 OR any of it's related technologies or wishlists of new features that you would like or think its important for the XFree86 developers to consider.
External sites such as mail-archive.com and marc.theaimsgroup.com keep archives of the XFree86 mailing lists except for the cvs commit list which both we and the above sites have.
XFree86 | General user support and help. |
devel | Technical development discussions. |
cvs-commit | CVS commit messages; read-only. |
forum | Inter-project discussions, wishlists, and community concerns. |
Thoughts? Write some mail to our webmaster.
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Last Modified: 17 July 2005