Academic Editor: B. G. Konopelchenko
Copyright © 2013 Yang Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We propose and analyze a new numerical method, called a coupling method based on a new expanded mixed finite element (EMFE) and finite element (FE), for fourth-order partial differential equation of parabolic type. We first reduce the fourth-order parabolic equation to a coupled system of second-order equations and then solve a second-order equation by FE method and approximate the other one by a new EMFE method. We find that the new EMFE method’s gradient belongs to the simple square integrable space, which avoids the use of the classical H(div; Ω) space and reduces the regularity requirement on the gradient solution . For a priori error estimates based on both semidiscrete and fully
discrete schemes, we introduce a new expanded mixed projection and some important lemmas.
We derive the optimal a priori error estimates in and -norm for both the scalar unknown and the diffusion term γ and a priori error estimates in -norm for its gradient
and its flux (the coefficients times the negative gradient). Finally, we provide some numerical results to illustrate the efficiency of our method.