Academic Editor: Saad A. Ragab
Copyright © 2010 Muhammad Naveed et al. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Scattering of electromagnetic plane waves from a coated perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) circular
cylinder placed under perfect electric conducting (PEC) wide double wedge is presented. It is assumed that
the distance between the two wedges is large as compared to the wavelength. Therefore, the field at an
observation point can be considered to be composed of the incident field plus a response field from each of
the edges of double wedge and the cylinder. PEMC cylinder is taken to be infinite along its axis and has
been coated with a double positive (DPS) or double negative (DNG) material. The transmission coefficient
and diffraction pattern of PEC wide double wedge in the presence of both coated and uncoated PEMC
cylinder are studied. Results of special cases for PEMC cylinder, compared with the published work, are
found to be in fairly good agreement. The techniques of Clemmow, and Karp and Russek have been used to
investigate the transmission coefficient and diffraction pattern of the double wedge in the presence of both
coated and un-coated PEMC circular cylinder.