Journal of Applied Analysis Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 83-93 (1995) |
The existence of homoclinic solutions for hyperbolic equationsA. Nowakowski and A. RogowskiInstitute of MathematicsLodz University ul. Stefana Banacha 22 90-238 Lodz, Poland e-mail:, Abstract: Studying homoclinic solutions of equations is one of the steps to go deeper in the understanding of dynamics. As it is known to the authors there are no papers studying homoclinic solutions of hyperbolic systems. In the paper we present a new variational method general enough to treat the problem of the existence of homoclinic solutions for the following semi-linear wave equation: $x_{tt}(t,y)-x_{yy}(t,y)+g(t,y,x(t,y))=0$ for $0 Classification (MSC2000): 35B, 35L Full text of the article: Electronic fulltext finalized on: 28 May 2002.
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