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These pages are not updated anymore. They reflect the state of 6 June 2010. For the current production of this journal, please refer to http://www.springer.com/mathematics/geometry/journal/40062.

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Editors' Interests

  • Michael Barr
    Category theory, acyclic models and its applications in homological algebra.
  • Ronald Brown
    Category theory, higher dimensional algebra, holonomy, groupoids and crossed objects in algebraic topology.
  • Aurelio Carboni
    Categorical methods in algebra, logic and geometry.
  • Antonio Cegarra
    Category theory, homological and homotopical algebra.
  • Claude Cibils
    Cohomological multiplicative structures, Representations of quantum groups.
  • Frederick Cohen
    Algebraic topology, group theory, surface theory, cohomology of groups, applications to physics.
  • Guillermo Cortinas
    K-theory, cyclic homology, noncommutative geometry.
  • Marius Dadarlat
    Operator algebras, K-theory, noncommutative topology.
  • Daniel Davis
    Stable homotopy theory, spectra with continuous actions by profinite groups, Morava E-theory.
  • Peter Eccles
    Homotopy theory, cobordism theory and relationship between them.
  • Graham Ellis
    Homological and homotopical algebra.
  • Paul Goerss
    Stable homotopy theory, algebraic geometry of formal groups, cohomology of profinite groups.
  • Marino Gran
    Categorical algebra, Galois theory, universal algebra.
  • John Greenlees
    Equivariant topology, commutative algebra in topology, representation theory in topology.
  • Daniel Guin
    Noncommutative geometry.
  • Lars Hesselholt
    Algebraic K-theory, p-adic arithmetic algebraic geometry.
  • Johannes Huebschmann
    Homological algebra, algebraic topology, topological methods in physics.
  • Hvedri Inassaridze
    K-theory, homological and homotopical algebra, noncommutative geometry.
  • Nick Inassaridze
    Homological and homotopical algebra, K-theory, cyclic homology, algebraic topology.
  • Stefan Jackowski
    Homotopy theory, classifying spaces, group actions, homological algebra, relationships and applications across various fields of algebra and topology.
  • George Janelidze
    Category theory, homological algebra, Galois theory.
  • Tom Lada
    Homotopy algebra, homotopical physics.
  • Pascal Lambrechts
    Rational homotopy theory and applications to geometry.
  • Ralf Meyer
    K-theory and bivariant K-theory, non-commutative geometry, cyclic homology, homological algebra.
  • Brian Munson
    Algebraic topology, manifolds, Embeddings, immersions, links, calculus of functors, Lie groups.
  • Krzysztof PawaƂowski
    Transformation groups, more specifically, group actions on manifolds.
  • Erik K. Pedersen
    Algebraic and geometric topology.
  • Tim Porter
    Algebraic homotopy, homotopy coherence, strong shape theory and proper homotopy theory, global actions, groupoid atlases, abstract homotopy theory.
  • Stewart Priddy
    Stable homotopy theory.
  • Martin Raussen
    Applications of homotopy theory in computer science.
  • Ulf Rehmann
    Linear algebraic groups and related structures.
  • Justin Roberts
    Topological quantum field theory, low-dimensional topology, quantization, symplectic geometry, homological methods in geometry.
  • Jonathan Rosenberg
    Topology and geometry of manifolds, index theory, noncommutative geometry.
  • Jiri Rosicky
    Category theory, homotopy theories, homotopy categories.
  • Thomas Schick
    Geometric topology, K-theory in particular of operator algebras.
  • Ross Staffeldt
    Algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory.
  • James Stasheff
    Higher homotopy algebra, operads, cohomological physics, homotopical physics.
  • Ross Street
    Enriched category theory, higher-dimensional category theory.
  • Guoping Tang
    Classical groups, algebraic K-theory, group rings.
  • Walter Tholen
    Category theory and its applications to algebra, topology and computer science.
  • Vladimir Vershinin
    Homotopy properties of configuration spaces, Adams-Novikov spectral sequence, cobordism.
  • Charles Weibel
    Algebraic K-theory, motivic cohomology, cyclic homology, algebraic geometry, homological algebra.
  • Shmuel Weinberger
    Algebraic topology
  • Steven Weintraub
    Differential topology, algebraic geometry.
  • Michael Weiss
    Differential topology, functor calculus, L-theory and K-theory.

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