PORTUGALIAE MATHEMATICA Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 185-191 (2005) |
Every nilpotent operator fails to determine the complete norm topologyMourad Oudghiri and Mohamed ZohryDepartment of Mathematics, University Abdelmalek Essaadi,BP 2121, Tetouan -- MOROCCO E-mail: mourad_oudghiri@hotmail.com , zohry@fst.ac.ma Abstract: We show that every nilpotent operator $T$, on an infinite-dimensional Banach space $X$, provides a decomposition of $X$ into a direct sum of a finite number of subspaces with sufficiently connections. Finally we construct a complete norm on $X$ that makes $T$ continuous and not equivalent to the original norm on $X$. Keywords: uniqueness of complete norm topology; nilpotent operator. Classification (MSC2000): 47A53, 47A68, 46B04. Full text of the article:
Electronic version published on: 7 Mar 2008.
© 2005 Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática