Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1065-1081 (1999) |
Potential Type Operators on Curves with Vorticity PointsV. RabinovichESIME-Zacatenco, Nat. Polit. Inst., Dept Telecommun., Ed. 1, Av. IPN, Mexico 07738, D.F. MEXICO; \ rabinov@maya.esimez.ipn.mx;Abstract: We study potential type operators on certain non-Lipschitz curves $\Gamma$. The curves under consideration are locally Lyapunov except for a finite set $F$ of singular points. The normal vector $\nu(y)$ to the curve $\Gamma$ does not have a limit at the singular points and, moreover, $\nu(y)$ may be an oscillating and rotating vector function in a neighborhood of the singular points. We establish a Fredholm theory of potential type operators in the spaces $L_{p,w}(\Gamma,\C^n)$ where $p \in (1,\infty)$ and $w$ is a weight satisfying the Muckenhoupt condition. Keywords: potential operators, Fredholmness, essential spectrum Classification (MSC2000): 31A10 Full text of the article:
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