Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::CnetViz::LineResidualFilter Class Reference

Allows filtering by the line residual. More...

#include <LineResidualFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::CnetViz::LineResidualFilter:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::CnetViz::LineResidualFilter:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  FilterEffectiveness { Images = 1, Points = 2, Measures = 4 }


void filterChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 LineResidualFilter (AbstractFilter::FilterEffectivenessFlag flag, int minimumForSuccess=-1)
 LineResidualFilter (const LineResidualFilter &other)
bool evaluate (const ControlCubeGraphNode *) const
bool evaluate (const ControlPoint *) const
bool evaluate (const ControlMeasure *) const
AbstractFilterclone () const
QString getImageDescription () const
QString getPointDescription () const
QString getMeasureDescription () const
virtual bool canFilterImages () const
virtual bool canFilterPoints () const
virtual bool canFilterMeasures () const

Protected Member Functions

bool evaluate (double) const
virtual bool evaluate (const ControlPoint *, bool(ControlPoint::*)() const) const
virtual bool evaluate (const ControlMeasure *, bool(ControlMeasure::*)() const) const
QString descriptionSuffix () const
bool lessThan () const
bool inclusive () const
int getMinForSuccess () const
AbstractFilter::FilterEffectivenessFlag * getEffectivenessFlags () const
QBoxLayout * getMainLayout () const
QBoxLayout * getInclusiveExclusiveLayout () const
bool evaluateImageFromPointFilter (const ControlCubeGraphNode *) const
bool evaluateImageFromMeasureFilter (const ControlCubeGraphNode *) const
bool evaluatePointFromMeasureFilter (const ControlPoint *) const

Detailed Description

Allows filtering by the line residual.

This class allows the user to filter control measures by how much the line coordinate moved. This allows the user to make a list of control measures which have been significantly adjusted by pointreg.

????-??-?? Eric Hyer

Definition at line 29 of file LineResidualFilter.h.

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