Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::JP2Decoder Class Reference

JPEG2000 decoder class. More...

#include <JP2Decoder.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::JP2Decoder:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 JP2Decoder (const QString &jp2file)
 Constructs a JPEG2000 decoder object.
 ~JP2Decoder ()
 JP2Decoder destructor.
JP2Errorkakadu_error () const
void OpenFile ()
 Open the JPEG2000 file.
int GetSampleDimension () const
int GetLineDimension () const
int GetBandDimension () const
int GetPixelBytes () const
bool GetSignedData () const
void Read (unsigned char **inbuf)
 Read data from JP2 file containing 8-bit data.
void Read (short int **inbuf)
 Read data from JP2 file containing 16-bit data.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsJP2 (QString filename)

Private Member Functions

void SetResolutionAndRegion ()
                                    Sets resolution of data that will be decompressed.

<Also determines the image dimensions at the requested <resolution.


Private Attributes

QString p_jp2File
 Input file name.
unsigned int p_resolutionLevel
                                     Resolution level that file will be decompressed

<at. Always full resolution.

unsigned int p_numSamples
 Number of samples in JP2 file.
unsigned int p_numLines
 Number of lines in JP2 file.
unsigned int p_numBands
 Number of bands in JP2 file.
unsigned int p_pixelBits
 Number of bits per pixel in JP2 file.
unsigned int p_pixelBytes
 Number of bytes per pixel in JP2 file.
bool p_signedData
 Set to true if data in JP2 file is signed.
unsigned int p_highestResLevel
                                     Total number of available resolution levels in

<JP2 file.

int * p_stripeHeights
                                              Determines how many lines are read at a time

<from the JP2 file.

int * p_maxStripeHeights
                                           Determines the maximum number of lines that can

<be read at a time from the JP2 file.

int * p_precisions
                                                 Determines the bit precision of each band in

<the JP2 file.

bool * p_isSigned
                                                  Determines if the data is signed/unsigned for

<each band in the JP2 file.

 JP2 Error handling facility.
bool p_readStripes
 Number of lines read per call to Read methods.

Detailed Description

JPEG2000 decoder class.

This class is used to decode a JPEG2000 image.

Here is an example of how to use JP2Decoder

JP2Decoder *JP2_decoder;
JP2_decoder = new JP2Decoder(QString(ui.GetFileName("FROM")));
int nsamps = JP2_decoder->GetSampleDimension();
int nlines = JP2_decoder->GetLineDimension();
int nbands = JP2_decoder->GetBandDimension();
int pixelbytes = JP2_decoder->GetPixelBytes();
bool is_signed = JP2_decoder->GetSignedData();
delete JP2_decoder;
ProcessImport jp;
if (pixelbytes == 1) {
} else if (pixelbytes == 2) {
if (is_signed) {
} else {
} else {
throw iException::Message(iException::User,
"The file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "] contains unsupported data type.",

If you would like to see JP2Decoder being used in implementation, see std2isis.cpp or for a class that implements JP2Decoder, see ProcessImport

2009-12-18 Janet Barrett

2009-12-18 Janet Barrett - Original version.

2012-04-06 Kris Becker - Fixed condition compilation where support for JP2K is disabled

Definition at line 92 of file JP2Decoder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::JP2Decoder::JP2Decoder ( const QString &  jp2file)

Constructs a JPEG2000 decoder object.

jp2fileThe name of the JP2 file that needs to be decoded.

Definition at line 42 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

Isis::JP2Decoder::~JP2Decoder ( )

JP2Decoder destructor.

Definition at line 206 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::JP2Decoder::OpenFile ( )

Open the JPEG2000 file.

Definition at line 62 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

Referenced by Isis::JP2Importer::JP2Importer(), and Isis::ProcessImport::ProcessJp2().

void Isis::JP2Decoder::Read ( unsigned char **  inbuf)

Read data from JP2 file containing 8-bit data.

inbufThe array of pointers to byte buffers that will be used to read in the image data. One byte buffer is required for each band in the image. Kakadu reads in a BIL manner. It is up to the calling routine to do the casting necessary to convert the byte data to the actual pixel type (UnsignedByte, UnsignedWord, SignedWord).

Definition at line 178 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessImport::ProcessJp2(), and Isis::JP2Importer::updateRawBuffer().

void Isis::JP2Decoder::Read ( short int **  inbuf)

Read data from JP2 file containing 16-bit data.

inbufThe array of pointers to byte buffers that will be used to read in the image data. One byte buffer is required for each band in the image. Kakadu reads in a BIL manner. It is up to the calling routine to do the casting necessary to convert the byte data to the actual pixel type (UnsignedByte, UnsignedWord, SignedWord).

Definition at line 195 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

void Isis::JP2Decoder::SetResolutionAndRegion ( )

                                    Sets resolution of data that will be decompressed.

<Also determines the image dimensions at the requested <resolution.

Set resolution level of the JPEG2000 file.

This class is currently set up to only read a file at full resolution.

Definition at line 155 of file JP2Decoder.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

JP2Error* Isis::JP2Decoder::Kakadu_Error

JP2 Error handling facility.

Definition at line 167 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_highestResLevel

                                     Total number of available resolution levels in

<JP2 file.

Definition at line 148 of file JP2Decoder.h.

bool* Isis::JP2Decoder::p_isSigned

                                                  Determines if the data is signed/unsigned for

<each band in the JP2 file.

Definition at line 156 of file JP2Decoder.h.

QString Isis::JP2Decoder::p_jp2File

Input file name.

Definition at line 139 of file JP2Decoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Decoder::p_maxStripeHeights

                                           Determines the maximum number of lines that can

<be read at a time from the JP2 file.

Definition at line 152 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_numBands

Number of bands in JP2 file.

Definition at line 144 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_numLines

Number of lines in JP2 file.

Definition at line 143 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_numSamples

Number of samples in JP2 file.

Definition at line 142 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_pixelBits

Number of bits per pixel in JP2 file.

Definition at line 145 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_pixelBytes

Number of bytes per pixel in JP2 file.

Definition at line 146 of file JP2Decoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Decoder::p_precisions

                                                 Determines the bit precision of each band in

<the JP2 file.

Definition at line 154 of file JP2Decoder.h.

bool Isis::JP2Decoder::p_readStripes

Number of lines read per call to Read methods.

Definition at line 168 of file JP2Decoder.h.

unsigned int Isis::JP2Decoder::p_resolutionLevel

                                     Resolution level that file will be decompressed

<at. Always full resolution.

Definition at line 140 of file JP2Decoder.h.

bool Isis::JP2Decoder::p_signedData

Set to true if data in JP2 file is signed.

Definition at line 147 of file JP2Decoder.h.

int* Isis::JP2Decoder::p_stripeHeights

                                              Determines how many lines are read at a time

<from the JP2 file.

Definition at line 150 of file JP2Decoder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: