Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::MosaicTool Class Referenceabstract

Base class for the MosaicTools. More...

#include <MosaicTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::MosaicTool:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::MosaicTool:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

void activate (bool)
 Activates the tool.


void activated (bool)

Public Member Functions

 MosaicTool (MosaicSceneWidget *)
bool isActive () const
 Returns the activeness of this toool.
QPixmap getIcon (QString iconName) const
 returns the path to the icon directory.
virtual void addTo (QMenu *menu)
virtual void addTo (ToolPad *toolPad)
virtual void addTo (QToolBar *toolBar)
virtual QList< QAction * > getViewActions ()
virtual PvlObject toPvl () const
virtual void fromPvl (const PvlObject &obj)
virtual QString projectPvlObjectName () const

Protected Slots

virtual void updateTool ()
virtual void mouseEnter ()
virtual void mouseMove (QPointF)
virtual void mouseLeave ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClick (QPointF)
virtual void mouseButtonPress (QPointF, Qt::MouseButton s)
virtual void mouseButtonRelease (QPointF, Qt::MouseButton s)
virtual void mouseWheel (QPointF, int delta)
virtual void rubberBandComplete (QRectF r, Qt::MouseButton s)
void toolBarDestroyed (QObject *obj)

Protected Member Functions

MosaicSceneWidgetgetWidget ()
virtual QActiongetPrimaryAction ()=0
 This method returns an action that is used to activate this tool.
virtual QWidgetgetToolBarWidget ()
 This method returns a widget that will be put in a tool bar when the tool is activated.

Private Member Functions

void enableToolBar ()
 Enables entire tool bar.
void disableToolBar ()
 Disables entire tool bar.

Private Attributes

bool p_active
 Is the tool active?

Detailed Description

Base class for the MosaicTools.

????-??-?? Stacy Alley

2011-04-14 Steven Lambright Refactored to use the new MosaicSceneWidget

2011-09-27 Steven Lambright - No longer produces errors when given a NULL MosaicSceneWidget.

2011-11-04 Steven Lambright - Added getViewActions().

Definition at line 37 of file MosaicTool.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::MosaicTool::activate ( bool  on)

Activates the tool.


Definition at line 146 of file MosaicTool.cpp.

References disableToolBar(), enableToolBar(), and p_active.

void Isis::MosaicTool::disableToolBar ( )

Disables entire tool bar.

Definition at line 172 of file MosaicTool.cpp.

Referenced by activate().

void Isis::MosaicTool::enableToolBar ( )

Enables entire tool bar.

Definition at line 183 of file MosaicTool.cpp.

Referenced by activate().

virtual QAction* Isis::MosaicTool::getPrimaryAction ( )
protectedpure virtual

This method returns an action that is used to activate this tool.

This method will only be called once so it can new the action without a problem.

Implemented in Isis::MosaicGridTool, Isis::MosaicControlNetTool, Isis::MosaicFindTool, Isis::MosaicAreaTool, Isis::MosaicZoomTool, Isis::MosaicTrackTool, Isis::MosaicPanTool, and Isis::MosaicSelectTool.

QWidget * Isis::MosaicTool::getToolBarWidget ( )

This method returns a widget that will be put in a tool bar when the tool is activated.

This method will only be called once so it can new the widget without a problem.

Reimplemented in Isis::MosaicGridTool, Isis::MosaicControlNetTool, Isis::MosaicFindTool, Isis::MosaicAreaTool, and Isis::MosaicZoomTool.

Definition at line 190 of file MosaicTool.cpp.

bool Isis::MosaicTool::isActive ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

bool Isis::MosaicTool::p_active

Is the tool active?

Definition at line 120 of file MosaicTool.h.

Referenced by activate(), and isActive().

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