Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::SpecialPixelTool Class Reference

Sets the colors for the special pixel values. More...

#include <SpecialPixelTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::SpecialPixelTool:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::SpecialPixelTool:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

void activate (bool)
 Activates the tool.
void setCubeViewport (MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
 Sets the current viewport to the given cvp.


void setDefaultColors ()
 Emitted when the default colors are reset.
void clearWarningSignal ()
void toolActivated ()
void viewportChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 SpecialPixelTool (QWidget *parent)
 SpecialPixelTool constructor.
void addTo (QMenu *menu)
 Adds the tool to the given menu.
void addToPermanent (QToolBar *perm)
 Adds the tool to the permanent tool bar.
void addTo (Workspace *ws)
QString menuName () const
 Returns the menu name.
void addTo (ViewportMainWindow *mw)
 Adds the tool to the application.
void addTo (ToolPad *toolpad)
 Adds the tool to the toolpad.
void addToActive (QToolBar *toolbar)
QString toolIconDir () const
 returns the path to the icon directory.
virtual void paintViewport (MdiCubeViewport *vp, QPainter *painter)
RubberBandToolrubberBandTool ()
void setList (ToolList *currentList)

Protected Types

typedef QVector
< MdiCubeViewport * > 
 A list of cubeviewports.

Protected Slots

virtual void rubberBandComplete ()
virtual void screenPixelsChanged ()
 This is called when actions change which pixels from the cube are displayed.
virtual void mouseEnter ()
virtual void mouseMove (QPoint p)
virtual void mouseMove (QPoint p, Qt::MouseButton)
virtual void mouseLeave ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClick (QPoint p)
virtual void mouseButtonPress (QPoint p, Qt::MouseButton s)
virtual void mouseButtonRelease (QPoint p, Qt::MouseButton s)
 Resets the Warning to Nowarning when a different activity occurs on the application.
virtual void updateMeasure ()
virtual void scaleChanged ()
virtual void stretchRequested (MdiCubeViewport *, int)
void registerTool (MdiCubeViewport *viewport)
 Registers the tool to the viewport.

Protected Member Functions

void updateTool ()
 Updates special pixel tool.
void setColor (QToolButton *button)
 Gets the selected color from the color dialog.
void readSettings ()
 This method reads in the default special pixel value colors from a config file.
void writeSettings ()
 This methods writes the default special pixel values to a config file that will be read by the readSettings() method.
MdiCubeViewportcubeViewport () const
 Return the current cubeviewport.
CubeViewportListcubeViewportList () const
 Return the list of cubeviewports.
virtual QActiontoolPadAction (ToolPad *toolpad)
 Anytime a tool is created, you must setup a tool pad action with it.
virtual QWidgetcreateToolBarWidget (QStackedWidget *parent)
 Anytime a tool is created, you must add it to the tool bar.
virtual void addConnections (MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
 Anytime a tool is created, you must add the connections for it.
virtual void removeConnections (MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
 Anytime a tool is created, you must be able to remove it's connections.
virtual void enableRubberBandTool ()
 Anytime a tool is created, you may use the rubber band tool.
Workspaceworkspace ()

Private Slots

void apply ()
 Applies the colors picked for the special pixels.
void setNullColor ()
 Sets the color for null pixels.
void setLisColor ()
 Sets the color for Lis pixels.
void setLrsColor ()
 Sets the color for Lrs pixels.
void setLdsColor ()
 Sets the color for Lds pixels.
void setHisColor ()
 Sets the color for His pixels.
void setHrsColor ()
 Sets the color for Hrs pixels.
void setHdsColor ()
 Sets the color for Hds pixels.
void setBgColor ()
void defaultBW ()
 Reset the default black/white colors.
void defaultColor ()
 Reset the default color colors.

Private Attributes

 Special Pixel Tool's action.
 Parent widget.
 Window widget.
 Dialog box.
QColor p_nullDefault
 Color chosen for null pixels.
QColor p_lisDefault
 Color chosen for low instrument saturation pixels.
QColor p_lrsDefault
 Color chosen for Low representation saturation pixels.
QColor p_ldsDefault
 Color chosen for pixels.
QColor p_hisDefault
 Color chosen for high instrument saturation pixels.
QColor p_hrsDefault
 Color chosen for high representation saturation pixels.
QColor p_hdsDefault
 Color chosen for pixels.
QColor p_bgDefault
 Color chosen for pixels.
QToolButton * p_nullColor
 Null Button.
QToolButton * p_lisColor
 Low instrument saturation Button.
QToolButton * p_lrsColor
 Low representation saturation Button.
QToolButton * p_ldsColor
 Low Button.
QToolButton * p_hisColor
 High instrument saturation Button.
QToolButton * p_hrsColor
 High representation saturation Button.
QToolButton * p_hdsColor
 High Button.
QToolButton * p_bgColor
 Background color Button.
QSettings * p_settings
 < Settings
bool p_color
 Color Mode?

Detailed Description

Sets the colors for the special pixel values.

????-??-?? Jeff Anderson

2008-06-09 Noah Hilt - Added settings to read and write default colors for special pixel values.

2010-06-26 Eric Hyer - Now uses MdiCubeViewport instead of CubeViewport. Also fixed some include issues.

2012-06-28 Steven Lambright - Now applies to new viewports

Definition at line 35 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef QVector< MdiCubeViewport * > Isis::Tool::CubeViewportList

A list of cubeviewports.

Definition at line 219 of file Tool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Isis::Tool::addConnections ( MdiCubeViewport cvp)

Anytime a tool is created, you must add the connections for it.


Reimplemented in Isis::TrackTool, and Isis::WindowTool.

Definition at line 253 of file Tool.h.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::addTo ( QMenu *  menu)

Adds the tool to the given menu.


Reimplemented from Isis::Tool.

Definition at line 176 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_action.

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::addTo ( Workspace ws)

Reimplemented from Isis::Tool.

Definition at line 196 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References Isis::Tool::addTo(), and apply().

void Isis::Tool::addTo ( ToolPad toolpad)

Adds the tool to the toolpad.


Definition at line 97 of file Tool.cpp.

References Isis::Tool::activate(), Isis::ToolPad::addAction(), Isis::Tool::m_toolPadAction, and Isis::Tool::toolPadAction().

void Isis::Tool::addToActive ( QToolBar toolbar)
void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::addToPermanent ( QToolBar perm)

Adds the tool to the permanent tool bar.


Reimplemented from Isis::Tool.

Definition at line 187 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_action.

virtual QWidget* Isis::Tool::createToolBarWidget ( QStackedWidget *  parent)
MdiCubeViewport* Isis::Tool::cubeViewport ( ) const

Return the current cubeviewport.


Definition at line 211 of file Tool.h.

References Isis::Tool::m_cvp.

Referenced by Isis::WindowTool::addConnections(), Isis::TrackTool::addConnections(), Isis::StretchTool::advancedStretchChanged(), Isis::FindTool::centerLinkedViewports(), Isis::StretchTool::changeStretch(), Isis::BandTool::changeView(), Isis::BandTool::copyLinkedViewports(), Isis::FileTool::discard(), Isis::Tool::enableToolBar(), Isis::FileTool::exportView(), Isis::StatisticsTool::getStatistics(), Isis::FindTool::handleRecordClicked(), Isis::EditTool::LineToPoints(), Isis::TrackTool::locateCursor(), Isis::SunShadowTool::mouseButtonPress(), Isis::RubberBandTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::EditTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::FindTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::StretchTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::MatchTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::QnetTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::AdvancedTrackTool::mouseLeave(), Isis::ScatterPlotTool::mouseMove(), Isis::SunShadowTool::mouseMove(), Isis::TrackTool::mouseMove(), Isis::RubberBandTool::mouseMove(), Isis::SunShadowTool::paintViewport(), Isis::RubberBandTool::paintViewport(), Isis::FindTool::paintViewport(), Isis::FileTool::print(), Isis::SunShadowTool::recalculateShadowHeight(), Isis::EditTool::redoEdit(), Isis::FindTool::refresh(), Isis::HistogramTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::SpatialPlotTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::WindowTool::removeConnections(), Isis::TrackTool::removeConnections(), Isis::RubberBandTool::repaint(), Isis::WindowTool::resizeWindows(), Isis::HistogramTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::MeasureTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::ZoomTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::EditTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::StretchTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::FileTool::save(), Isis::FileTool::saveAs(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsCubeByOption(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsReducedCube(), Isis::FileTool::saveInfo(), Isis::BandTool::setBandBin(), Isis::BandTool::setList(), Isis::StretchTool::setStretchAcrossBands(), Isis::StretchTool::setStretchAllViewports(), Isis::StretchTool::showAdvancedDialog(), Isis::ScatterPlotTool::showNewScatterPlotConfig(), Isis::StretchTool::stretchChanged(), Isis::StretchTool::stretchGlobal(), Isis::StretchTool::stretchGlobalAllBands(), Isis::StretchTool::stretchRegional(), Isis::EditTool::undoEdit(), Isis::StretchTool::updateAdvStretchDialogforAll(), Isis::StretchTool::updateHistograms(), Isis::TrackTool::updateLabels(), Isis::MeasureTool::updateMeasure(), Isis::AdvancedTrackTool::updateRow(), Isis::WindowTool::updateTool(), Isis::BlinkTool::updateTool(), updateTool(), Isis::SunShadowTool::updateTool(), Isis::BandTool::updateTool(), Isis::AbstractPlotTool::updateTool(), Isis::ZoomTool::updateTool(), Isis::FileTool::updateTool(), Isis::EditTool::updateTool(), Isis::FindTool::updateTool(), Isis::StretchTool::updateTool(), Isis::AbstractPlotTool::viewportsToPlot(), Isis::EditTool::writeToCube(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomBy(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFit(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFitHeight(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFitWidth(), and Isis::ZoomTool::zoomManual().

Tool::CubeViewportList * Isis::Tool::cubeViewportList ( ) const

Return the list of cubeviewports.


Definition at line 389 of file Tool.cpp.

References Isis::Workspace::cubeViewportList().

Referenced by Isis::BlinkTool::advance(), apply(), Isis::FindTool::centerLinkedViewports(), Isis::WindowTool::changeCursor(), Isis::FileTool::closeAll(), Isis::BandTool::copyAllViewports(), Isis::BandTool::copyLinkedViewports(), Isis::MatchTool::createPoint(), Isis::BlinkTool::eventFilter(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::featuresIdentified(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::findMissingNomenclature(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::findNomenclatureStateChanged(), Isis::FindTool::handleLinkClicked(), Isis::WindowTool::linkWindows(), Isis::RubberBandTool::mouseButtonRelease(), Isis::RubberBandTool::mouseMove(), Isis::QnetTool::openGround(), Isis::StereoTool::paintAllViewports(), Isis::MatchTool::paintAllViewports(), Isis::QnetTool::paintAllViewports(), Isis::FindTool::refresh(), Isis::ScatterPlotTool::repaintViewports(), Isis::AbstractPlotTool::repaintViewports(), Isis::WindowTool::resizeWindows(), Isis::BlinkTool::reverse(), Isis::ZoomTool::rubberBandComplete(), Isis::MatchTool::serialNumberList(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::setFontColor(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::setFontSize(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::setShowApprovedOnly(), Isis::StretchTool::setStretchAllViewports(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::setVectorType(), Isis::StretchTool::stretchGlobalAllViewports(), Isis::BlinkTool::toggleLink(), Isis::WindowTool::unlinkWindows(), Isis::MeasureTool::updateMeasure(), Isis::AdvancedTrackTool::updateRow(), Isis::WindowTool::updateTool(), Isis::BlinkTool::updateTool(), Isis::FindTool::updateTool(), Isis::AbstractPlotTool::viewportsToPlot(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomBy(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFit(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFitHeight(), Isis::ZoomTool::zoomFitWidth(), and Isis::ZoomTool::zoomManual().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::defaultBW ( )

Reset the default black/white colors.

Definition at line 389 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_bgColor, p_color, p_hdsColor, p_hisColor, p_hrsColor, p_ldsColor, p_lisColor, p_lrsColor, and p_nullColor.

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::defaultColor ( )
void Isis::Tool::enableRubberBandTool ( )

Anytime a tool is created, you may use the rubber band tool.

Enable the use of the rubberband tool.

Reimplemented in Isis::RubberBandTool, Isis::ZoomTool, Isis::MeasureTool, Isis::StereoTool, Isis::SpatialPlotTool, Isis::SpectralPlotTool, and Isis::HistogramTool.

Definition at line 338 of file Tool.cpp.

References Isis::RubberBandTool::disable().

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections().

QString Isis::SpecialPixelTool::menuName ( ) const

Returns the menu name.

Reimplemented from Isis::Tool.

Definition at line 45 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

void Isis::Tool::mouseButtonPress ( QPoint  p,
Qt::MouseButton  s 

Definition at line 366 of file Tool.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections(), and Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections().

void Isis::Tool::mouseButtonRelease ( QPoint  p,
Qt::MouseButton  s 

Resets the Warning to Nowarning when a different activity occurs on the application.

This is called by all the mouseButtonRelease events in all the tools.


Reimplemented in Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool.

Definition at line 379 of file Tool.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections(), Isis::StretchTool::mouseButtonRelease(), and Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections().

void Isis::Tool::mouseDoubleClick ( QPoint  p)

Definition at line 357 of file Tool.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections(), and Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections().

void Isis::Tool::mouseMove ( QPoint  p)

Definition at line 351 of file Tool.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections(), and Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections().

virtual void Isis::Tool::paintViewport ( MdiCubeViewport vp,
QPainter *  painter 
void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::readSettings ( )

This method reads in the default special pixel value colors from a config file.

Definition at line 458 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_bgDefault, p_dialog, p_hdsDefault, p_hisDefault, p_hrsDefault, p_ldsDefault, p_lisDefault, p_lrsDefault, p_nullDefault, p_parent, and p_settings.

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::Tool::registerTool ( MdiCubeViewport viewport)

Registers the tool to the viewport.


Definition at line 326 of file Tool.cpp.

References Isis::Tool::m_cvp, and Isis::MdiCubeViewport::registerTool().

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addTo().

virtual void Isis::Tool::removeConnections ( MdiCubeViewport cvp)

Anytime a tool is created, you must be able to remove it's connections.


Reimplemented in Isis::MeasureTool, Isis::TrackTool, and Isis::WindowTool.

Definition at line 261 of file Tool.h.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections().

virtual void Isis::Tool::screenPixelsChanged ( )

This is called when actions change which pixels from the cube are displayed.

Definition at line 162 of file Tool.h.

Referenced by Isis::Tool::addViewportConnections(), Isis::Tool::removeViewportConnections(), and Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::viewportDone().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setColor ( QToolButton *  button)

Gets the selected color from the color dialog.


Definition at line 371 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

Referenced by setHdsColor(), setHisColor(), setHrsColor(), setLdsColor(), setLisColor(), setLrsColor(), and setNullColor().

void Isis::Tool::setCubeViewport ( MdiCubeViewport cvp)
void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setDefaultColors ( )

Emitted when the default colors are reset.

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setHdsColor ( )

Sets the color for Hds pixels.

Definition at line 357 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_hdsColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setHisColor ( )

Sets the color for His pixels.

Definition at line 339 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_hisColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setHrsColor ( )

Sets the color for Hrs pixels.

Definition at line 348 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_hrsColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setLdsColor ( )

Sets the color for Lds pixels.

Definition at line 330 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_ldsColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setLisColor ( )

Sets the color for Lis pixels.

Definition at line 312 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_lisColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setLrsColor ( )

Sets the color for Lrs pixels.

Definition at line 321 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_lrsColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::setNullColor ( )

Sets the color for null pixels.

Definition at line 303 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_nullColor, and setColor().

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

virtual QAction* Isis::Tool::toolPadAction ( ToolPad toolpad)
void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::updateTool ( )

Updates special pixel tool.

Reimplemented from Isis::Tool.

Definition at line 443 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References Isis::Tool::cubeViewport(), and p_action.

void Isis::SpecialPixelTool::writeSettings ( )

This methods writes the default special pixel values to a config file that will be read by the readSettings() method.

Definition at line 542 of file SpecialPixelTool.cpp.

References p_bgDefault, p_dialog, p_hdsDefault, p_hisDefault, p_hrsDefault, p_ldsDefault, p_lisDefault, p_lrsDefault, p_nullDefault, and p_parent.

Referenced by apply().

Member Data Documentation

QAction* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_action

Special Pixel Tool's action.

Definition at line 73 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by addTo(), addToPermanent(), SpecialPixelTool(), and updateTool().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_bgColor

Background color Button.

Definition at line 92 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_bgDefault

Color chosen for pixels.

Definition at line 84 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

bool Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_color

Color Mode?

Definition at line 94 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), and defaultColor().

QDialog* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_dialog

Dialog box.

Definition at line 76 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by readSettings(), SpecialPixelTool(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hdsColor

High Button.

Definition at line 91 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setHdsColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hdsDefault

Color chosen for pixels.

Definition at line 83 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hisColor

High instrument saturation Button.

Definition at line 89 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setHisColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hisDefault

Color chosen for high instrument saturation pixels.

Definition at line 81 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hrsColor

High representation saturation Button.

Definition at line 90 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setHrsColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_hrsDefault

Color chosen for high representation saturation pixels.

Definition at line 82 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_ldsColor

Low Button.

Definition at line 88 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setLdsColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_ldsDefault

Color chosen for pixels.

Definition at line 80 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_lisColor

Low instrument saturation Button.

Definition at line 86 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setLisColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_lisDefault

Color chosen for low instrument saturation pixels.

Definition at line 78 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_lrsColor

Low representation saturation Button.

Definition at line 87 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setLrsColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_lrsDefault

Color chosen for Low representation saturation pixels.

Definition at line 79 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QToolButton* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_nullColor

Null Button.

Definition at line 85 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultBW(), defaultColor(), setNullColor(), and SpecialPixelTool().

QColor Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_nullDefault

Color chosen for null pixels.

Definition at line 77 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by apply(), defaultColor(), readSettings(), and writeSettings().

QWidget* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_parent

Parent widget.

Definition at line 74 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by readSettings(), SpecialPixelTool(), and writeSettings().

QSettings* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_settings

< Settings

Definition at line 93 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by readSettings().

QWidget* Isis::SpecialPixelTool::p_spWindow

Window widget.

Definition at line 75 of file SpecialPixelTool.h.

Referenced by SpecialPixelTool().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: