Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::Chip Class Reference
[Pattern Matching]

A small chip of data used for pattern matching. More...

#include <Chip.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Chip ()
 Constructs a Chip.
 Chip (const Chip &other)
 Constructs a copy of the passed in chip.
 Chip (const int samples, const int lines)
 Construct a Chip with specified dimensions.
virtual ~Chip ()
 Destroys the Chip object.
void SetSize (const int samples, const int lines) throw (iException &)
 Change the size of the Chip.
bool IsInsideChip (double sample, double line)
int Samples () const
 Return the number of samples in the chip.
int Lines () const
 Return the number of lines in the chip.
string Filename () const
 Returns the expanded filename of the cube from which this chip was chipped.
void SetAllValues (const double &d)
 Single value assignment operator.
void SetValue (int sample, int line, const double &value)
 This sets a value in the chip.
double GetValue (int sample, int line)
 Loads a Chip with a value.
const double GetValue (int sample, int line) const
 Get a value from a Chip.
void TackCube (const double cubeSample, const double cubeLine)
 This sets which cube position will be located at the chip tack position.
int TackSample () const
 Return the fixed tack sample of the chip.
int TackLine () const
 Return the fixed tack line of the chip.
void Load (Cube &cube, const double rotation=0.0, const double scale=1.0, const int band=1)
 Load cube data into the Chip.
void Load (Cube &cube, Chip &match, Cube &matchChipCube, const double scale=1.0, const int band=1) throw (iException &)
 Loads cube data into the Chip.
void Load (Cube &cube, const Affine &affine, const bool &keepPoly=true, const int band=1)
 Load a chip using an Affine transform as provided by caller.
void SetChipPosition (const double sample, const double line)
 Compute the position of the cube given a chip coordinate.
double CubeSample () const
 Returns cube sample after invoking SetChipPosition.
double CubeLine () const
 Returns cube line after invoking SetChipPosition.
void SetCubePosition (const double sample, const double line)
 Compute the position of the chip given a cube coordinate.
double ChipSample () const
 Returns chip sample after invoking SetCubePosition.
double ChipLine () const
 Returns chip line after invoking SetCubePosition.
void SetValidRange (const double minimum=Isis::ValidMinimum, const double maximum=Isis::ValidMaximum) throw (iException &)
 Set the valid range of data in the chip.
bool IsValid (double percentage)
 Return if the pixel is valid at a particular position.
bool IsValid (int sample, int line)
 Returns whether the value at the given sample, line position is within the valid range.
Chip Extract (int samples, int lines, int samp, int line) throw (iException &)
 Extract a sub-chip from a chip.
void Extract (int samp, int line, Chip &output)
 Extract a subchip centered at the designated coordinate.
Isis::StatisticsStatistics ()
 Returns a statistics object of the current data in the chip.
void Extract (Chip &output, Affine &affine)
 Extract a subchip of this chip using an Affine transform.
void Write (const string &filename)
 Writes the contents of the Chip to a cube.
void SetClipPolygon (const geos::geom::MultiPolygon &clipPolygon)
 Sets the clipping polygon for this chip.
Chipoperator= (const Chip &other)
 Copy assignment operator.
const AffineGetTransform () const
 Returns the Affine transformation of chip-to-cube indices.
void SetTransform (const Affine &affine, const bool &keepPoly=true)
 Sets the internal Affine transform to new translation.
const Interpolator::interpType GetReadInterpolator ()
 Access method that returns the Interpolator Type used for loading a chip.
void SetReadInterpolator (const Interpolator::interpType type)
 Sets Interpolator Type for loading a chip.

Detailed Description

A small chip of data used for pattern matching.

A chip is a small rectangular area that can be used for pattern matching. Data can be loaded into the chip manually or by reading directly from a cube.

2005-05-05 Jeff Anderson
See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::Chip::Chip (  ) 

Constructs a Chip.

The default size is 3x3

Isis::Chip::Chip ( const Chip other  ) 

Constructs a copy of the passed in chip.

other the chip to be copied
Isis::Chip::Chip ( const int  samples,
const int  lines 

Construct a Chip with specified dimensions.

samples number of samples in the chip
lines number of lines in the chip
Isis::Chip::~Chip (  )  [virtual]

Destroys the Chip object.

Member Function Documentation

double Isis::Chip::ChipLine (  )  const [inline]

Returns chip line after invoking SetCubePosition.

double Isis::Chip::ChipSample (  )  const [inline]

Returns chip sample after invoking SetCubePosition.

double Isis::Chip::CubeLine (  )  const [inline]
double Isis::Chip::CubeSample (  )  const [inline]
void Isis::Chip::Extract ( Chip chipped,
Affine affine 

Extract a subchip of this chip using an Affine transform.

This method will translate the data in this chip using an Affine transform to the output chip as provided. Note that the Affine transformation is only applied within the confines of this chip. No file I/O is performed.

A proper Affine transform should not deviate too much from the identity as the mapping operation may result in a NULL filled chip. The operation of this affine is added to the existing affine so that proper relationship to the input cube (and any affine operations applied at load time) is preserved. This implies that the resulting affine should yield nearly identical results when read directly from the cube.

Bilinear interpolation is applied to surrounding transformed pixels to provide each new output pixel.

The chipped parameter will be updated to fully reflect the state of this original chip. The state of the chipped parameter dictates the size and the tack sample and line coordinates. Upon return, the corresponding cube sample and line coordinate is updated to the tack sample and line chip coordinate.

As such, note that an identity affine transform will yield identical results to the Chip::Extract method specifying the tack sample and line as the location to extract.

The following example demonstrates how to linearly shift a chip one pixel right and one down.

   Chip mychip(35,35);
   Cube cube("mycube.cub");

   Affine shift;

   Chip ochip(15,15);
   mychip.Extract(ochip, shift);
chipped Input/output chip containing the transformed subchip
affine Affine transform to apply to extract subchip

References Isis::Interpolator::BiLinearType, cline, Isis::Affine::Compute(), csamp, Isis::Double, Isis::Affine::Forward(), GetValue(), Isis::Interpolator::HotLine(), Isis::Interpolator::HotSample(), interp, Isis::Interpolator::Interpolate(), Lines(), Isis::Interpolator::Lines(), Isis::Null, Samples(), Isis::Interpolator::Samples(), SetValue(), TackLine(), TackSample(), Isis::Affine::xp(), and Isis::Affine::yp().

void Isis::Chip::Extract ( int  samp,
int  line,
Chip chipped 

Extract a subchip centered at the designated coordinate.

This method extracts a subchip that is centered at the given sample and line coordinate. All appropriate variables in the given chipped parameter are set appropriately prior to return.

samp Center (tack) sample chip coordinate to extract subchip
line Center (tack) line chip coordinate to extract subchip
chipped Chip to load the subchip in and return to caller

References GetValue(), Lines(), Isis::Null, Samples(), SetValue(), TackLine(), and TackSample().

Chip Isis::Chip::Extract ( int  samples,
int  lines,
int  samp,
int  line 
) throw (iException &)

Extract a sub-chip from a chip.

samples Number of samples in the extracted chip (must be less than or equal to "this" chip)
lines Number of lines in the extracted chip (must be less than or equal to "this" chip)
samp Input chip sample to be placed at output chip tack
line Input chip line to be placed at output chip tack
Chip Sub-chip extracted from the chip
Isis::iException::Programmer - Chip extraction invalid

References _FILEINFO_, line, Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::Null, Isis::iException::Programmer, SetValue(), TackLine(), and TackSample().

string Isis::Chip::Filename (  )  const [inline]

Returns the expanded filename of the cube from which this chip was chipped.

const Interpolator::interpType Isis::Chip::GetReadInterpolator (  )  [inline]

Access method that returns the Interpolator Type used for loading a chip.

const Interpolator::interpType Interpolator used to read data from cube and put it into a chip.
See also:
Jeannie Walldren
const Affine& Isis::Chip::GetTransform (  )  const [inline]

Returns the Affine transformation of chip-to-cube indices.

This method returns the affine transform used to load a chip from the same area as a match cube. It also is used to track the tack point line and sample translations from the chip indices to the absolute cube coordiates.

const Affine& Transform map from chip coordinates to cube coordinates
const double Isis::Chip::GetValue ( int  sample,
int  line 
) const [inline]

Get a value from a Chip.

For example,

 Chip c(10,5);
 cout << c[3,3] << endl;
sample Sample position to get (1-based)
line Line position to get (1-based)
double Isis::Chip::GetValue ( int  sample,
int  line 
) [inline]

Loads a Chip with a value.

For example,

 Chip c(10,5);
 c(1,1) = 1.1;
 c(10,5) = 1.2;
sample Sample position to load (1-based)
line Line position to load (1-based)

Referenced by Extract(), IsValid(), Isis::AutoReg::Reduce(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), and Write().

bool Isis::Chip::IsInsideChip ( double  sample,
double  line 
bool True if the given sample, line is inside the chip

References maxLine, and minLine.

bool Isis::Chip::IsValid ( int  sample,
int  line 
) [inline]

Returns whether the value at the given sample, line position is within the valid range.

sample Sample position
line Line position

References GetValue(), and value.

bool Isis::Chip::IsValid ( double  percentage  ) 

Return if the pixel is valid at a particular position.

sample sample position to test
line line position to test
bool - Returns true if the pixel is valid, and false if it is not Return if the total number of valid pixels in the chip meets a specified percentage of the entire chip.
percentage The percentage that the valid pixels percentage must exceed
bool Returns true if the percentage of valid pixels is greater than the specified percentage, and false if it is not

References line, Lines(), Samples(), and validCount.

Referenced by Isis::AutoReg::Register().

int Isis::Chip::Lines (  )  const [inline]

Return the number of lines in the chip.

Referenced by Isis::ChipViewport::chipLines(), Extract(), IsValid(), Isis::AutoReg::Reduce(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), and Write().

void Isis::Chip::Load ( Cube cube,
const Affine affine,
const bool &  keepPoly = true,
const int  band = 1 

Load a chip using an Affine transform as provided by caller.

This method will load data from a cube using an established Affine transform as provided by the caller. It is up to the caller to set up the affine appropriately.

For example, the first thing this method will do is set the chip tack point to the transformed cube location by replacing the existing affine transform with the one passed in and then calling SetChipPosition providing the chip tack point as the argument. This establishes which cube pixel is located at the chip tack point.

The data will be loaded to sub-pixel accuracy using the interpolator indicated using SetReadInterpolator() method.

cube Cube to load the data from
affine Affine transform to set for chip load/operations
keepPoly Indicates whether clipping polygon should be kept or removed (default of true)
band Band number to read data from (default of 1)
See also:

References Isis::Cube::getFilename(), SetChipPosition(), SetTransform(), TackLine(), and TackSample().

void Isis::Chip::Load ( Cube cube,
Chip match,
Cube matchChipCube,
const double  scale = 1.0,
const int  band = 1 
) throw (iException &)

Loads cube data into the Chip.

The data will be loaded such that the position set using TackCube method will be put at the center of the chip. The data will be loaded to sub-pixel accuracy using the interpolator indicated using SetReadInterpolator() method. Additionally, the data will be loaded such that it matches the camera and/or projective geometry of a given Chip.

cube The cube used to put data into the chip
match Match the geometry of this chip
matchChipCube The cube used to put data into the match chip
scale scale factor (default of 1)
band Band number to use when loading (default of 1)
Isis::iException::Programmer - Chip cube is not a camera or map projection
Isis::iException::Programmer - Match chip cube is not a camera or map projection
Isis::iException::Programmer - Cannot find enough points to perform Affine transformation.
See also:

References _FILEINFO_, band, cam, Isis::iException::Clear(), cube, Isis::Cube::getCamera(), Isis::Cube::getFilename(), Isis::Cube::getProjection(), Isis::Sensor::HasSurfaceIntersection(), Isis::Projection::IsGood(), Isis::Camera::Line(), line, Isis::iException::Message(), proj, Isis::Camera::Sample(), Isis::Camera::SetImage(), Isis::Projection::SetUniversalGround(), Isis::Camera::SetUniversalGround(), Isis::Projection::SetWorld(), Isis::Projection::UniversalLatitude(), Isis::Sensor::UniversalLatitude(), Isis::Projection::UniversalLongitude(), Isis::Sensor::UniversalLongitude(), Isis::iException::User, Isis::Projection::WorldX(), Isis::Projection::WorldY(), x, and y.

void Isis::Chip::Load ( Cube cube,
const double  rotation = 0.0,
const double  scale = 1.0,
const int  band = 1 

Load cube data into the Chip.

The data will be loaded such that the position set using TackCube method will be put at the center of the chip. The data will be loaded to sub-pixel accuracy using the interpolator indicated using SetReadInterpolator() method.

cube The cube used to put data into the chip
rotation rotation in degrees of data about the cube tack point (default of 0)
scale scale factor (default of 1)
band Band number to use when loading (default of 1)
See also:

References Isis::Cube::getFilename(), Isis::Affine::Identity(), Isis::Affine::Rotate(), Isis::Affine::Scale(), and Isis::Affine::Translate().

Chip & Isis::Chip::operator= ( const Chip other  ) 

Copy assignment operator.

other chip to be copied to this
int Isis::Chip::Samples (  )  const [inline]

Return the number of samples in the chip.

Referenced by Isis::ChipViewport::chipSamples(), Extract(), IsValid(), Isis::AutoReg::Reduce(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), and Write().

void Isis::Chip::SetAllValues ( const double &  d  ) 

Single value assignment operator.

Sets the entire chip to a constant

d Value to set the chip to

References fill().

void Isis::Chip::SetChipPosition ( const double  sample,
const double  line 

Compute the position of the cube given a chip coordinate.

Any rotation or geometric matching done during the Load process will be taken into account. Use the CubeSample and CubeLine methods to obtain results. Note the results could be outside of the cube

sample chip sample coordinate
line chip line coordinate

References Isis::Affine::Compute(), TackLine(), TackSample(), Isis::Affine::xp(), and Isis::Affine::yp().

Referenced by Load(), Isis::ChipViewport::panDown(), Isis::ChipViewport::panLeft(), Isis::ChipViewport::panRight(), Isis::ChipViewport::panUp(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), and Isis::ChipViewport::zoomIn().

void Isis::Chip::SetClipPolygon ( const geos::geom::MultiPolygon &  clipPolygon  ) 

Sets the clipping polygon for this chip.

The coordinates must be in (sample,line) order. All Pixel values outside this polygon will be set to Null8. The cubic convolution interpolation is allowed to uses valid pixels outside the clipping area.

clipPolygon The polygons used to clip the chip

References Isis::PolygonTools::CopyMultiPolygon().

void Isis::Chip::SetCubePosition ( const double  sample,
const double  line 

Compute the position of the chip given a cube coordinate.

Any rotation or geometric matching done during the Load process will be taken into account. Use the ChipSample and ChipLine methods to obtain results. Note that the results could be outside of the chip.

sample chip sample coordinate
line chip line coordinate

References Isis::Affine::ComputeInverse(), TackLine(), TackSample(), Isis::Affine::x(), and Isis::Affine::y().

void Isis::Chip::SetReadInterpolator ( const Interpolator::interpType  type  )  [inline]

Sets Interpolator Type for loading a chip.

This type is used in the Read() method.

type Interpolator type to be used.
Isis::iException::Programmer - Invalid Interpolator Type
See also:
Jeannie Walldren

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Interpolator::BiLinearType, Isis::Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType, Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::Interpolator::NearestNeighborType, and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::AutoReg::SetChipInterpolator().

void Isis::Chip::SetSize ( const int  samples,
const int  lines 
) throw (iException &)

Change the size of the Chip.

samples number of samples in the chip
lines number of lines in the chip
Isis::iException::User - Samples and lines must be greater than zero.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::User.

Referenced by Isis::AutoReg::AutoReg(), Isis::AutoReg::Parse(), and Isis::AutoReg::Register().

void Isis::Chip::SetTransform ( const Affine affine,
const bool &  keepPoly = true 
) [inline]

Sets the internal Affine transform to new translation.

Provides the ability to establish a new affine transformation without overhead of, say, loading the chip with a new translation.

The caller also has the option to specify the disposition of an established polygon.

affine New affine tranform to set for this chip
keepPoly Indicates whether an existing polygon clipper should be kept (default of true)

Referenced by Load().

void Isis::Chip::SetValidRange ( const double  minimum = Isis::ValidMinimum,
const double  maximum = Isis::ValidMaximum 
) throw (iException &)

Set the valid range of data in the chip.

If never called all data in the chip is consider valid (other than special pixels).

minimum minimum valid pixel value (default of Isis::ValidMinimum)
maximum maximum valid pixel value (default of Isis::ValidMaximum)
Isis::iException::Programmer - First parameter must be smaller than the second.

References _FILEINFO_, maximum, Isis::iException::Message(), minimum, and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::AutoReg::Parse().

void Isis::Chip::SetValue ( int  sample,
int  line,
const double &  value 
) [inline]

This sets a value in the chip.

sample Sample position to load (1-based)
line Line position to load (1-based)
value Value to set

Referenced by Extract(), Isis::AutoReg::Reduce(), and Isis::AutoReg::Register().

Isis::Statistics * Isis::Chip::Statistics (  ) 

Returns a statistics object of the current data in the chip.

The caller takes ownership of the returned instance.

Isis::Statistics* Statistics of the data in the chip

References Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Statistics::SetValidRange(), and stats.

void Isis::Chip::TackCube ( const double  cubeSample,
const double  cubeLine 

This sets which cube position will be located at the chip tack position.

cubeSample the cube sample value to tack
cubeLine the cube line value to tack

References Isis::Affine::Identity(), and Isis::Affine::Translate().

int Isis::Chip::TackLine (  )  const [inline]

Return the fixed tack line of the chip.

That is, the middle of the chip. It is a chip coordinate not a cube coordinate. For a chip with 5 lines, this will return 3, the middle pixel. For a chip with 4 lines it will return 2

Referenced by Extract(), Load(), Isis::ChipViewport::panDown(), Isis::ChipViewport::panLeft(), Isis::ChipViewport::panRight(), Isis::ChipViewport::panUp(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), SetChipPosition(), SetCubePosition(), and Isis::ChipViewport::zoomIn().

int Isis::Chip::TackSample (  )  const [inline]

Return the fixed tack sample of the chip.

That is, the middle of the chip. It is a chip coordinate not a cube coordinate. For a chip with 5 samples, this will return 3, the middle pixel. For a chip with 4 samples it will return 2

Referenced by Extract(), Load(), Isis::ChipViewport::panDown(), Isis::ChipViewport::panLeft(), Isis::ChipViewport::panRight(), Isis::ChipViewport::panUp(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), SetChipPosition(), SetCubePosition(), and Isis::ChipViewport::zoomIn().

void Isis::Chip::Write ( const string filename  ) 

Writes the contents of the Chip to a cube.

filename Name of the cube to create

References c, Isis::Cube::close(), Isis::Cube::create(), GetValue(), line, Lines(), Samples(), Isis::Cube::setDimensions(), and Isis::Cube::write().

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