Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::FindSpotGraphicsItem Class Reference

The visual display of the find point. More...

#include <FindSpotGraphicsItem.h>

Inherits QGraphicsEllipseItem.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FindSpotGraphicsItem (QPointF center, MosaicSceneWidget *boundingRectSrc)
virtual ~FindSpotGraphicsItem ()
void paint (QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *widget=0)

Detailed Description

The visual display of the find point.

2011-05-07 Steven Lambright

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::FindSpotGraphicsItem::FindSpotGraphicsItem ( QPointF  center,
MosaicSceneWidget boundingRectSrc 
Isis::FindSpotGraphicsItem::~FindSpotGraphicsItem (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::FindSpotGraphicsItem::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  style,
QWidget widget = 0 

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