Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::MosaicFindTool Class Reference

This controls the 'Find' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget. More...

#include <MosaicFindTool.h>

Inherits Isis::MosaicTool.

List of all members.

Public Slots

void getUserGroundPoint ()
void clearPoint ()
void activate (bool)
 Activates the tool.


void activated (bool)

Public Member Functions

 MosaicFindTool (MosaicSceneWidget *)
 MosaicFindTool constructor.
void addToMenu (QMenu *menu)
 Adds the pan action to the given menu.
PvlObject toPvl () const
void fromPvl (const PvlObject &obj)
iString projectPvlObjectName () const
bool isActive () const
 Returns the activeness of this toool.
QPixmap getIcon (iString iconName) const
 returns the path to the icon directory.
virtual void addTo (QMenu *menu)
virtual void addTo (ToolPad *toolPad)
virtual void addTo (QToolBar *toolBar)
virtual QList< QAction * > getViewActions ()

Protected Slots

void updateTool ()
 This method sets the QGraphicsView to allow the user to select mosaic items by dragging a rubber band.
virtual void mouseEnter ()
virtual void mouseMove (QPointF)
virtual void mouseLeave ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClick (QPointF)
virtual void mouseButtonPress (QPointF, Qt::MouseButton s)
virtual void mouseWheel (QPointF, int delta)
virtual void rubberBandComplete (QRectF r, Qt::MouseButton s)
void toolBarDestroyed (QObject *obj)

Protected Member Functions

QActiongetPrimaryAction ()
 Adds the action to the toolpad.
QWidgetgetToolBarWidget ()
 This method returns a widget that will be put in a tool bar when the tool is activated.
QWidgetcreateToolBarWidget ()
 Creates the widget to add to the tool bar.
void mouseButtonRelease (QPointF, Qt::MouseButton)
MosaicSceneWidgetgetWidget ()

Detailed Description

This controls the 'Find' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget.

????-??-?? Stacy Alley

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::MosaicFindTool::MosaicFindTool ( MosaicSceneWidget scene  ) 

MosaicFindTool constructor.


Member Function Documentation

void Isis::MosaicTool::activate ( bool  on  )  [slot, inherited]

Activates the tool.


References Isis::MosaicTool::activated().

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::addTo().

void Isis::MosaicTool::activated ( bool  _t1  )  [signal, inherited]
void Isis::MosaicTool::addTo ( QToolBar toolBar  )  [virtual, inherited]
void Isis::MosaicTool::addTo ( ToolPad toolPad  )  [virtual, inherited]
virtual void Isis::MosaicTool::addTo ( QMenu *  menu  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]
void Isis::MosaicFindTool::addToMenu ( QMenu *  menu  ) 

Adds the pan action to the given menu.

void Isis::MosaicFindTool::clearPoint (  )  [slot]
QWidget * Isis::MosaicFindTool::createToolBarWidget (  )  [protected]

Creates the widget to add to the tool bar.

void Isis::MosaicFindTool::fromPvl ( const PvlObject obj  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Isis::MosaicTool.

References getUserGroundPoint().

QPixmap Isis::MosaicTool::getIcon ( iString  iconName  )  const [inherited]
QAction * Isis::MosaicFindTool::getPrimaryAction (  )  [protected, virtual]

Adds the action to the toolpad.


Implements Isis::MosaicTool.

References Isis::MosaicTool::getIcon().

QWidget * Isis::MosaicFindTool::getToolBarWidget (  )  [protected, virtual]

This method returns a widget that will be put in a tool bar when the tool is activated.

This method will only be called once so it can new the widget without a problem.

Reimplemented from Isis::MosaicTool.

References clearPoint(), and getUserGroundPoint().

void Isis::MosaicFindTool::getUserGroundPoint (  )  [slot]
QList< QAction * > Isis::MosaicTool::getViewActions (  )  [virtual, inherited]
MosaicSceneWidget* Isis::MosaicTool::getWidget (  )  [inline, protected, inherited]
bool Isis::MosaicTool::isActive (  )  const [inline, inherited]
void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseButtonPress ( QPointF  ,
Qt::MouseButton  s 
) [protected, virtual, slot, inherited]
void Isis::MosaicFindTool::mouseButtonRelease ( QPointF  mouseLoc,
Qt::MouseButton  s 
) [protected, virtual]
void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseDoubleClick ( QPointF   )  [protected, virtual, slot, inherited]
virtual void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseEnter (  )  [inline, protected, virtual, slot, inherited]
virtual void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseLeave (  )  [inline, protected, virtual, slot, inherited]

Reimplemented in Isis::MosaicTrackTool.

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::MosaicTool().

void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseMove ( QPointF   )  [protected, virtual, slot, inherited]

Reimplemented in Isis::MosaicTrackTool.

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::MosaicTool().

void Isis::MosaicTool::mouseWheel ( QPointF  ,
int  delta 
) [protected, virtual, slot, inherited]

Reimplemented in Isis::MosaicZoomTool.

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::MosaicTool().

iString Isis::MosaicFindTool::projectPvlObjectName (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from Isis::MosaicTool.

Referenced by toPvl().

virtual void Isis::MosaicTool::rubberBandComplete ( QRectF  r,
Qt::MouseButton  s 
) [inline, protected, virtual, slot, inherited]

Reimplemented in Isis::MosaicZoomTool.

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::MosaicTool().

void Isis::MosaicTool::toolBarDestroyed ( QObject obj  )  [protected, slot, inherited]

Referenced by Isis::MosaicTool::addTo().

PvlObject Isis::MosaicFindTool::toPvl (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from Isis::MosaicTool.

References projectPvlObjectName().

void Isis::MosaicFindTool::updateTool (  )  [protected, virtual, slot]

This method sets the QGraphicsView to allow the user to select mosaic items by dragging a rubber band.

Reimplemented from Isis::MosaicTool.

References Isis::MosaicTool::isActive().

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