Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::QHistogram Class Reference

Plot Histograms. More...

#include <QHistogram.h>

Inherits QwtPlot.

List of all members.

Public Slots

void trackerEnabled ()
 Enables mouse tracking on the plot.
void cdfCurveVisible ()
 Hide/show the cdf curve.
void printPlot ()
 Provide printing capabilities.
void savePlot ()
 Allows user to save the plot to an image file.
void switchBackground ()
 Switches the plot background color between black and white.
void showHelp ()
 Provides help text in a dialog box.

Public Member Functions

 QHistogram (QWidget *parent=NULL)
 Constructs a QHistogram object with default titles.
 ~QHistogram ()
 Destroys the QHistogram object.
void Load (Histogram &hist)
 Plots the given Isis Histogram in the plot window.

Detailed Description

Plot Histograms.

This class is used to plot histograms. It is a utility class for the hist application.

2006-12-21 Elizabeth Miller

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::QHistogram::QHistogram ( QWidget parent = NULL  ) 

Constructs a QHistogram object with default titles.

Isis::QHistogram::~QHistogram (  )  [inline]

Destroys the QHistogram object.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::QHistogram::cdfCurveVisible (  )  [slot]

Hide/show the cdf curve.

void Isis::QHistogram::Load ( Histogram hist  ) 

Plots the given Isis Histogram in the plot window.

hist The Isis Histogram to plot

References Isis::Histogram::BinCount(), Isis::Histogram::BinMiddle(), Isis::Histogram::Bins(), and Isis::Statistics::ValidPixels().

void Isis::QHistogram::printPlot (  )  [slot]

Provide printing capabilities.

References size.

void Isis::QHistogram::savePlot (  )  [slot]

Allows user to save the plot to an image file.

void Isis::QHistogram::showHelp (  )  [slot]

Provides help text in a dialog box.

References d.

void Isis::QHistogram::switchBackground (  )  [slot]

Switches the plot background color between black and white.

void Isis::QHistogram::trackerEnabled (  )  [slot]

Enables mouse tracking on the plot.

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