Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::RadarGroundRangeMap Class Reference

Construct a mapping between image sample and Radar ground range. More...

#include <RadarGroundRangeMap.h>

Inherits Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap.

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  FocalPlaneXDependencyType { Sample = 1, Line = 2 }

Public Member Functions

 RadarGroundRangeMap (Camera *parent, const int naifIkCode)
 Construct mapping between detectors and focal plane x/y.
virtual bool SetDetector (const double sample, const double line)
 Compute distorted focal plane coordinate from detector position.
virtual bool SetFocalPlane (const double dx, const double dy)
 Compute detector position from focal plane coordinate.
double FocalPlaneX () const
 Return distorted focal plane x.
double FocalPlaneY () const
 Return distorted focal plane y.
double DetectorSample () const
 Return detector sample.
double DetectorLine () const
 Return detector line.
double CenteredDetectorSample () const
 Return centered detector sample.
double CenteredDetectorLine () const
 Return centered detector line.
void SetDetectorOrigin (const double sample, const double line)
 Set the detector origin.
double DetectorLineOrigin () const
 Return detector line origin.
double DetectorSampleOrigin () const
 Return detector sample origin.
void SetDetectorOffset (const double sampleOffset, const double lineOffset)
 Set the detector offset.
double DetectorLineOffset () const
 Return detector line offset.
double DetectorSampleOffset () const
 Return detector sample offset.
int FocalPlaneXDependency ()
 Return the focal plane x dependency variable.
double SignMostSigX ()
 Return the sign of the p_transx coefficient with the greatest magnitude.
double SignMostSigY ()
 Return the sign of the p_transy coefficient with the greatest magnitude.

Static Public Member Functions

static void setTransform (int naifIkCode, double groundRangeResolution, int samples, Radar::LookDirection ldir)

Protected Member Functions

void ComputeCentered ()
 Convenience method to center detector origin (use when inheriting).
void ComputeUncentered ()
 Convenience method to center detector origin (use when inheriting).

Protected Attributes

double p_detectorLineOrigin
double p_detectorSampleOrigin
double p_focalPlaneX
double p_focalPlaneY
double p_detectorLine
double p_detectorSample
double p_centeredDetectorSample
double p_centeredDetectorLine
double p_detectorLineOffset
double p_detectorSampleOffset
double p_transx [3]
double p_transy [3]
double p_itranss [3]
double p_itransl [3]

Detailed Description

Construct a mapping between image sample and Radar ground range.

See also:
2008-06-17 Jeff Anderson Original version

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::RadarGroundRangeMap::RadarGroundRangeMap ( Camera parent,
const int  naifIkCode 

Construct mapping between detectors and focal plane x/y.

parent parent camera that will use this map
naifIkCode code of the naif instrument for reading coefficients

Member Function Documentation

double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::CenteredDetectorLine (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return centered detector line.

References Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_centeredDetectorLine.

double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::CenteredDetectorSample (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return centered detector sample.

References Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_centeredDetectorSample.

void Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::ComputeCentered (  )  [inline, protected, inherited]
void Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::ComputeUncentered (  )  [inline, protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorLine (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorLineOffset (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorLineOrigin (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorSample (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorSampleOffset (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return detector sample offset.

References Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorSampleOffset.

double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::DetectorSampleOrigin (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::FocalPlaneX (  )  const [inline, inherited]
int Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::FocalPlaneXDependency (  )  [inherited]

Return the focal plane x dependency variable.

This method returns the image variable (sample or line) on which the focal plane x depends.

dependency variable
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::FocalPlaneY (  )  const [inline, inherited]
bool Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SetDetector ( const double  sample,
const double  line 
) [virtual, inherited]

Compute distorted focal plane coordinate from detector position.

This method will compute both the distorted focal plane x/y and centered detector position given a detector position

sample undistorted focal plane x in millimeters
line undistorted focal plane y in millimeters
conversion was successful

Referenced by Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetFocalPlane(), Isis::Camera::SetImage(), and Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetUndistortedFocalPlane().

void Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SetDetectorOffset ( const double  sampleOffset,
const double  lineOffset 
) [inline, inherited]

Set the detector offset.

This is used to set the offset between the detector origin and the average location in detector pixels where the image is being viewed. If not set the offset are both 0.0

sampleOffset sample offset in pixels
lineOffset sample offset in lines

References Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorLineOffset, and Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorSampleOffset.

Referenced by Isis::CTXCamera::CTXCamera(), Isis::HiriseCamera::HiriseCamera(), Isis::LroNarrowAngleCamera::LroNarrowAngleCamera(), Isis::MocNarrowAngleCamera::MocNarrowAngleCamera(), Isis::MocWideAngleCamera::MocWideAngleCamera(), Isis::ThemisIrCamera::SetBand(), and Isis::ThemisIrCamera::ThemisIrCamera().

void Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SetDetectorOrigin ( const double  sample,
const double  line 
) [inline, inherited]
bool Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SetFocalPlane ( const double  dx,
const double  dy 
) [virtual, inherited]

Compute detector position from focal plane coordinate.

This method will compute both the centered and normal detector position given a distorted focal plane coordinate.

dx distorted focal plane x in millimeters
dy distorted focal plane y in millimeters
conversion was successful

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::ComputeResiduals(), Isis::LineScanCameraGroundMap::FindFocalPlane(), Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetFocalPlane(), Isis::Camera::SetRightAscensionDeclination(), and Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetUndistortedFocalPlane().

void Isis::RadarGroundRangeMap::setTransform ( int  naifIkCode,
double  groundRangeResolution,
int  samples,
Radar::LookDirection  ldir 
) [static]

Referenced by Isis::MiniRF::MiniRF().

double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SignMostSigX (  )  [inherited]

Return the sign of the p_transx coefficient with the greatest magnitude.

This method returns a +1. or -1. based on the sign of the p_transx coefficient with the greatest magnitude. Only p_transx[1] and p_transx[2] are compared since p_transx[0] is used as a constant in the affine transformation.

sign of most significant coefficient
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::SignMostSigY (  )  [inherited]

Return the sign of the p_transy coefficient with the greatest magnitude.

This method returns a +1 or -1 based on the sign of the p_transy coefficient with the greatest magnitude. Only p_transy[1] and p_transy[2] are compared since p_transy[0] is used as a constant in the affine transformation.

sign of most significant coefficient

Member Data Documentation

double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorLine [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorLineOffset [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorLineOrigin [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_detectorSample [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_focalPlaneX [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_focalPlaneY [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_itransl[3] [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_itranss[3] [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_transx[3] [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraFocalPlaneMap::p_transy[3] [protected, inherited]

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