Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::TextFile Class Reference

Provides access to sequential ASCII stream I/O. More...

#include <TextFile.h>

Inherited by Isis::CisscalFile.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TextFile ()
 Constructs an empty TextFile object.
 TextFile (const std::string &filename, const char *openmode="input", const char *extension="")
 Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path).
 TextFile (const char *filename, const char *openmode, std::vector< std::string > &lines, const int &maxLinesToReadWrite=0, const bool skipComments=true)
 Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.
 TextFile (const std::string &filename, const char *openmode, std::vector< std::string > &lines, const int &maxLinesToReadWrite=0, const bool skipComments=true)
 Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.
 TextFile (const char *filename, const char *openmode, std::string *lines, const int &maxLinesToReadWrite, const bool skipComments=true)
 Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.
 TextFile (const std::string &filename, const char *openmode, std::string *lines, const int &maxLinesToReadWrite, const bool skipComments=true)
 Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.
 ~TextFile ()
 Closes file (if still open). Destroys the TextFile object.
void Open (const std::string &filename, const char *openmode="input", const char *extension="")
 Opens a text file.
void Open (const char *filename, const char *openmode="input", const char *extension="")
bool OpenChk (bool bailIfNotOpen=false)
void Rewind ()
 Sets Read / Write pointer to begining of opened file.
void Close ()
 Closes file. Called automatically by TextFile destructor.
void GetFile (std::vector< std::string > &lines, const int &maxLinesToRead=0, const bool skipComments=true)
void GetFile (std::string *lines, const int &maxLinesToRead, const bool skipComments=true)
void PutFile (std::vector< std::string > &lines, const int &maxLinesToWrite=0)
void PutFile (const std::string *lines, const int &maxLinesToWrite)
bool GetLine (std::string &line, const bool skipComments=true)
 Gets next line from file.
bool GetLineNoFilter (std::string &line)
 Gets next NON-COMMENT line from file.
bool GetLine (const bool skipComments=true)
 Gets next line from file.
bool GetLineNoFilter ()
 Gets next NON-COMMENT line from file.
void PutLine (const std::string &line)
 Writes string to file and appends a 'newline' string.
void PutLine (const char *line="")
 Writes char string to file and appends a 'newline' string.
void PutLineComment (const std::string &line)
 Writes string to file, prepends a 'comment' string and appends a 'newline' string.
void PutLineComment (const char *line="")
 Writes char string to file, prepends a 'comment' string and appends a 'newline' string.
std::string GetComment ()
std::string GetNewLine ()
void SetComment (const char *commentString="#")
 Sets the 'comment' string.
void SetNewLine (const char *newLineString="\n")
 Sets the 'newline' string.
int LineCount (const int &maxLinesToRead=0)
 Counts number of lines in file.
std::streamsize Size ()
 Counts number of bytes in file.

Protected Member Functions

bool p_GetLine (std::string &line, bool chkComment)
 Gets next line from file.

Protected Attributes

std::fstream p_stream
 File stream handle.
int p_openmode
 openmode of file: Input, Output, Overwrite, Append
std::string p_filename
 Filename of the opened file.
std::string p_commentString
 'comment' string used by GetLine and PutLineComment
std::string p_newLineString
 'newline' string used by PutLine and PutLineComment

Detailed Description

Provides access to sequential ASCII stream I/O.

Provides access to sequential ASCII stream I/O. Checks for errors in opening, reading, and writing ASCII files. Can check for 'comment lines' while reading a text file.

2003-08-29 Glenn Bennett

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::TextFile::TextFile (  ) 

Constructs an empty TextFile object.

Referenced by TextFile().

Isis::TextFile::TextFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const char *  openmode = "input",
const char *  extension = "" 

Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path).

filename Filename (including path) to be opened by TextFile object.
openmode Open Mode of file opened by TextFile object. InputOpens file for Input: Read Only, Fails if file does not exist OutputOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Fails if file exists. OverwriteOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Truncates if file exists. AppendOpens file for Append: Read / Write- Creates file, Appends if file exists. Defaults to "input"
extension Extension to be added to filename (added only if not already on filename). Defaults to ""

References Open(), SetComment(), and SetNewLine().

Isis::TextFile::TextFile ( const char *  filename,
const char *  openmode,
std::vector< std::string > &  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToReadWrite = 0,
const bool  skipComments = true 

Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.

filename Filename (including path) to be opened by TextFile object.
openmode Open Mode of file opened by TextFile object. InputOpens file for Input: Read Only, Fails if file does not exist OutputOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Fails if file exists. OverwriteOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Truncates if file exists. AppendOpens file for Append: Read / Write - Creates file, Appends if file exists. Defaults to "input"
maxLinesToReadWrite Limits the maximum lines read or written; 0=read entire file or write entire vectorDefaults to 0
skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References TextFile().

Isis::TextFile::TextFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const char *  openmode,
std::vector< std::string > &  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToReadWrite = 0,
const bool  skipComments = true 

Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.

filename Filename (including path) to be opened by TextFile object.
openmode Open Mode of file opened by TextFile object. InputOpens file for Input: Read Only, Fails if file does not exist OutputOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Fails if file exists. OverwriteOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Truncates if file exists. AppendOpens file for Append: Read / Write - Creates file, Appends if file exists. Defaults to "input"
lines iString Vector to fill if reading or put to file if writing
maxLinesToReadWrite Limits the maximum lines read or written; 0=read entire file or write entire vectorDefaults to 0
skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References GetFile(), Open(), p_openmode, PutFile(), SetComment(), and SetNewLine().

Isis::TextFile::TextFile ( const char *  filename,
const char *  openmode,
std::string *  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToReadWrite,
const bool  skipComments = true 

Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.

filename Filename (including path) to be opened by TextFile object.
openmode Open Mode of file opened by TextFile object. InputOpens file for Input: Read Only, Fails if file does not exist OutputOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Fails if file exists. OverwriteOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Truncates if file exists. AppendOpens file for Append: Read / Write - Creates file, Appends if file exists. Defaults to "input"
maxLinesToReadWrite Limits the maximum lines read or written; 0=read entire file or write entire vectorDefaults to 0
skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References TextFile().

Isis::TextFile::TextFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const char *  openmode,
std::string *  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToReadWrite,
const bool  skipComments = true 

Constructs a TextFile object and opens the specified file (including path), reads or writes file, leaves file open for further use of the rest of the methods.

filename Filename (including path) to be opened by TextFile object.
openmode Open Mode of file opened by TextFile object. InputOpens file for Input: Read Only, Fails if file does not exist OutputOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Fails if file exists. OverwriteOpens file for Output: Read / Write - Creates file, Truncates if file exists. AppendOpens file for Append: Read / Write - Creates file, Appends if file exists. Defaults to "input"
maxLinesToReadWrite Limits the maximum lines read or written; 0=read entire file or write entire vectorDefaults to 0
skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References GetFile(), Open(), p_openmode, PutFile(), SetComment(), and SetNewLine().

Isis::TextFile::~TextFile (  ) 

Closes file (if still open). Destroys the TextFile object.

References Close().

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::TextFile::Close (  ) 

Closes file. Called automatically by TextFile destructor.

References p_stream.

Referenced by Isis::Pipeline::Run(), Isis::CisscalFile::~CisscalFile(), and ~TextFile().

string Isis::TextFile::GetComment (  ) 

References p_commentString.

void Isis::TextFile::GetFile ( std::string *  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToRead,
const bool  skipComments = true 

References GetLine(), line, and OpenChk().

void Isis::TextFile::GetFile ( std::vector< std::string > &  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToRead = 0,
const bool  skipComments = true 

References GetLine(), line, and OpenChk().

Referenced by TextFile().

bool Isis::TextFile::GetLine ( const bool  skipComments = true  ) 

Gets next line from file.

Returns True if read a line, False if End Of File.

skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References line, and p_GetLine().

bool Isis::TextFile::GetLine ( std::string &  line,
const bool  skipComments = true 

Gets next line from file.

Returns True if read a line, False if End Of File.

line Line read from file, with newline removed.
skipComments Controls whether comments lines are filtered; true=filter, false=return any line read from fileDefaults to true

References p_GetLine().

Referenced by GetFile(), and Isis::MosaicMainWindow::openList().

bool Isis::TextFile::GetLineNoFilter (  ) 

Gets next NON-COMMENT line from file.

Returns True if read a line, False if End Of File. See SetComment method.


References line, and p_GetLine().

bool Isis::TextFile::GetLineNoFilter ( std::string &  line  ) 

Gets next NON-COMMENT line from file.

Returns True if read a line, False if End Of File. See SetComment method.

line Line read from file, with newline removed.

References p_GetLine().

string Isis::TextFile::GetNewLine (  ) 

References p_newLineString.

int Isis::TextFile::LineCount ( const int &  maxLinesToRead = 0  ) 

Counts number of lines in file.

maxLinesToRead Limits lines counted - intended for large files. 0=count all lines. n=count up to and including n lines; if file longer than n lines, returns n+1. Defaults to 0

References OpenChk(), and p_stream.

void Isis::TextFile::Open ( const char *  filename,
const char *  openmode = "input",
const char *  extension = "" 
void Isis::TextFile::Open ( const std::string &  filename,
const char *  openmode = "input",
const char *  extension = "" 

Opens a text file.

filename Filename (including path) to be opened.
openmode Open Mode of file to be opened. There are four options, "input", "output", "overwrite", and "append". "input" opens with in fstream option, "output" opens with in, out, and trunc fstream options and verifies the file does not exist, "overwrite" opens with in, out, and trunc fstream options, and "append" opens with in, out, and ate(at end) fstream options, "append" will open with in and out options if the file does not exist.
extension Extension to be added to filename (added only if not already on filename). Defaults to ""
Isis::iException::Io - output file already exists
Isis::iException::Io - unable to open file

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Filename::AddExtension(), Isis::iString::DownCase(), Isis::Filename::Exists(), Isis::Filename::Expanded(), Isis::iException::Io, Isis::iException::Message(), p_filename, p_openmode, p_stream, and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by TextFile().

bool Isis::TextFile::OpenChk ( bool  bailIfNotOpen = false  ) 
bool Isis::TextFile::p_GetLine ( std::string &  line,
bool  chkComment 
) [protected]

Gets next line from file.

Returns True if read a line, False if End Of File.

line Line read from file, with newline removed.
chkComment True=Skip Comment Lines, False=Return All Lines.
Isis::iException::Io - error reading text file

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Io, Isis::iException::Message(), OpenChk(), p_commentString, p_filename, and p_stream.

Referenced by GetLine(), and GetLineNoFilter().

void Isis::TextFile::PutFile ( const std::string *  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToWrite 

References OpenChk(), and PutLine().

void Isis::TextFile::PutFile ( std::vector< std::string > &  lines,
const int &  maxLinesToWrite = 0 

References OpenChk(), and PutLine().

Referenced by TextFile().

void Isis::TextFile::PutLine ( const char *  line = ""  ) 

Writes char string to file and appends a 'newline' string.

See SetNewLine method.

line Char string to be written to file.Defaults to ""
Isis::iException::Io - error writing text to file
Isis::iException::Programmer - input is read only text file, cannot write to file

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Io, Isis::iException::Message(), OpenChk(), p_filename, p_newLineString, p_openmode, p_stream, and Isis::iException::Programmer.

void Isis::TextFile::PutLine ( const std::string &  line  ) 

Writes string to file and appends a 'newline' string.

See SetNewLine method.

line iString to be written to file. Defaults to ""

Referenced by PutFile(), PutLineComment(), and Isis::Pipeline::Run().

void Isis::TextFile::PutLineComment ( const char *  line = ""  ) 

Writes char string to file, prepends a 'comment' string and appends a 'newline' string.

See SetComment method and SetNewLine method.

line Char string to be written to file.Defaults to ""

References p_commentString, and PutLine().

void Isis::TextFile::PutLineComment ( const std::string &  line  ) 

Writes string to file, prepends a 'comment' string and appends a 'newline' string.

See SetComment method and SetNewLine method.

line iString to be written to file.Defaults to ""

References p_commentString, and PutLine().

void Isis::TextFile::Rewind (  ) 

Sets Read / Write pointer to begining of opened file.

References OpenChk(), and p_stream.

void Isis::TextFile::SetComment ( const char *  commentString = "#"  ) 

Sets the 'comment' string.

Default = '#' See ReadFilter method. Skips lines that begin with this string. See PutLineComment method. Prepends 'comment' string to output line.

commentString The string of characters to be used for 'comment' lines. Defaults to "#"

References p_commentString.

Referenced by TextFile().

void Isis::TextFile::SetNewLine ( const char *  newLineString = "\n"  ) 

Sets the 'newline' string.

Default = '
'. See PutLine and PutLineComment methods. Appends 'newline' string to output line.

newLineString The string of characters to be used for 'comment' lines. Defaults to "\n"

References p_newLineString.

Referenced by TextFile().

streamsize Isis::TextFile::Size (  ) 

Counts number of bytes in file.


References OpenChk(), and p_stream.

Member Data Documentation

std::string Isis::TextFile::p_commentString [protected]

'comment' string used by GetLine and PutLineComment

Referenced by GetComment(), p_GetLine(), PutLineComment(), and SetComment().

std::string Isis::TextFile::p_filename [protected]

Filename of the opened file.

Referenced by Open(), OpenChk(), p_GetLine(), and PutLine().

std::string Isis::TextFile::p_newLineString [protected]

'newline' string used by PutLine and PutLineComment

Referenced by GetNewLine(), PutLine(), and SetNewLine().

int Isis::TextFile::p_openmode [protected]

openmode of file: Input, Output, Overwrite, Append

Referenced by Open(), PutLine(), and TextFile().

std::fstream Isis::TextFile::p_stream [protected]

File stream handle.

Referenced by Close(), LineCount(), Open(), OpenChk(), p_GetLine(), PutLine(), Rewind(), and Size().

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