Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::UserInterface Class Reference
[Application Interface]

Command Line and Xml loader, validation, and access. More...

#include <UserInterface.h>

Inherits IsisAml.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UserInterface (const std::string &xmlfile, int &argc, char *argv[])
 Constructs an UserInterface object.
 ~UserInterface ()
 Destroys the UserInterface object.
bool IsInteractive ()
 Indicates if the Isis Graphical User Interface is operating.
GuiTheGui ()
int BatchListSize ()
 Returns the size of the batchlist.
int ParentId ()
 Returns the parent id.
bool AbortOnError ()
 Returns true if the program should abort on error, and false if it should continue.
void SaveHistory ()
 Saves the user parameter information in the history of the program for later use.
void SetBatchList (int i)
 Clears the gui parameters and sets the batch list information at line i as the new parameters.
void SetErrorList (int i)
 This method adds the line specified in the BatchList that the error occured on.
bool GetInfoFlag ()
 This method returns the flag state of info.
std::string GetInfoFileName ()
 This method returns the filename where the debugging info is stored when the "-info" tag is used.
void PutAsString (const std::string &paramName, const std::string &value)
void PutAsString (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< std::string > &value)
void PutFilename (const std::string &paramName, const std::string &value)
void PutFilename (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< std::string > &value)
void PutDouble (const std::string &paramName, const double &value)
void PutDouble (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< double > &value)
void PutInteger (const std::string &paramName, const int &value)
void PutInteger (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< int > &value)
void PutBoolean (const std::string &paramName, const bool &value)
void PutBoolean (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< bool > &value)
void PutString (const std::string &paramName, const std::string &value)
void PutString (const std::string &paramName, const std::vector< std::string > &value)
std::string GetAsString (const std::string &paramName) const
void GetAsString (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< std::string > &values) const
Isis::iString GetFilename (const std::string &paramName, std::string extension="") const
void GetFilename (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< std::string > &values) const
std::string GetString (const std::string &paramName) const
void GetString (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< std::string > &values) const
int GetInteger (const std::string &paramName) const
void GetInteger (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< int > &values) const
bool GetBoolean (const std::string &paramName) const
void GetBoolean (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< bool > &values) const
double GetDouble (const std::string &paramName) const
void GetDouble (const std::string &paramName, std::vector< double > &values) const
bool WasEntered (const std::string &paramName) const
void Clear (const std::string &paramName)
Isis::CubeAttributeInputGetInputAttribute (const std::string &paramName)
Isis::CubeAttributeOutputGetOutputAttribute (const std::string &paramName)
std::string ProgramName () const
 Returns the Program name.
std::string Brief () const
 Returns the brief description of the program.
std::string Description () const
 Returns the full description of the program.
int NumGroups () const
 Returns the number of groups found in the XML.
std::string GroupName (const int &group) const
 Returns the group name of group[index].
int GroupIndex (const std::string &grpName) const
 Given the group name get its index in group array.
int NumParams (const int &) const
 Returns the number of parameters in a group.
std::string ParamName (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the parameter name.
std::string ParamType (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the parameter type of a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamBrief (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the brief description of a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamDescription (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the long description of a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamMinimum (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the minimum value of a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamMinimumInclusive (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns whether the minimum value is inclusive or not.
std::string ParamMaximum (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the maximum value of a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamMaximumInclusive (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns whether the maximum value is inclusive or not.
std::string ParamOdd (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns whether the selected parameter has a restriction on odd values or not.
int ParamGreaterThanSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of values in the parameters greater than list.
int ParamGreaterThanOrEqualSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of values in the parameters greater than or equal list.
int ParamLessThanSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of values in the parameters less than list.
int ParamLessThanOrEqualSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of values in the parameters less than or equal list.
int ParamNotEqualSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of values in the not equal list.
std::string ParamGreaterThan (const int &group, const int &param, const int &great) const
 Returns the name of the specified greaterThan parameter.
std::string ParamGreaterThanOrEqual (const int &group, const int &param, const int &great) const
 Returns the name of the specified greaterThanOrEqual parameter.
std::string ParamLessThan (const int &group, const int &param, const int &great) const
 Returns the name of the specified lessThan parameter.
std::string ParamLessThanOrEqual (const int &group, const int &param, const int &les) const
 Returns the name of the specified lessThanOrEqual parameter.
std::string ParamNotEqual (const int &group, const int &param, const int &notEq) const
 Returns the name of the specified notEqual parameter.
int ParamListSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of options in the specified parameter's list.
std::string ParamListValue (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option) const
 Returns the option value for a specific option to a parameter.
std::string ParamListBrief (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option) const
 Returns the brief description for a specific option to a parameter.
std::string ParamListDescription (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option) const
 Returns the full description for a specific option to a parameter.
int ParamListExcludeSize (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option) const
 Returns the number of items in a parameters list exclude section.
std::string ParamListExclude (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option, const int &exclude) const
 Returns the parameter name to be excluded if this option is selected.
int ParamListIncludeSize (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option) const
 Returns the number of items in a parameters list include section.
std::string ParamListInclude (const int &group, const int &param, const int &option, const int &include) const
 Returns the parameter name to be included if this option is selected.
std::string ParamDefault (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the default for a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamInternalDefault (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the internal default for a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamFilter (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the parameter filter for a parameter in a specified group.
std::string ParamPath (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the default path for a filename/cube parameter.
std::string ParamFileMode (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the file mode for a parameter in a specified group.
int ParamExcludeSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of parameters excluded in this parameter's exclusions.
std::string ParamExclude (const int &group, const int &param, const int &exclude) const
 Returns the name of the specified excluded parameter.
int ParamIncludeSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of parameters included in this parameter's inclusions.
std::string ParamInclude (const int &group, const int &param, const int &include) const
 Returns the name of the specified included parameter.
std::string PixelType (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the default pixel type from the XML.
int HelpersSize (const int &group, const int &param) const
 Returns the number of helpers the parameter has.
std::string HelperButtonName (const int &group, const int &param, const int &helper) const
 Returns the name of the helper button.
std::string HelperFunction (const int &group, const int &param, const int &helper) const
 Returns the name of the helper function.
std::string HelperBrief (const int &group, const int &param, const int &helper) const
 Returns the brief description of the helper button.
std::string HelperDescription (const int &group, const int &param, const int &helper) const
 Returns the long description of the helper button.
std::string HelperIcon (const int &group, const int &param, const int &helper) const
 Returns the name of the icon for the helper button.
bool IsParamInPvlInclude (std::string &paramName, std::vector< std::string > &exclude)
 Verify whether Parameter name is in the Include list Used in creation of DefFile.
void CreatePVL (Isis::Pvl &pvlDef, std::string guiGrpName, std::string pvlObjName, std::string pvlGrpName, std::vector< std::string > &exclude)
 Create Pvl with the parameters in a user defined group given the Pvl object and group name.
void VerifyAll ()
 Verify all parameters.
bool StringToBool (Isis::iString value) const
 Returns a boolean value based on the string contents.
void CommandLine (Isis::Pvl &lab) const
 Creates a string which could be used as a command line.
std::string Version () const
 Returns the application version date.

Protected Member Functions

const IsisParameterDataReturnParam (const std::string &paramName) const

Protected Attributes

std::string name
std::string brief
std::string description
std::vector< IsisGroupDatagroups
std::vector< std::string > categorys
std::vector< IsisChangeDatachanges

Detailed Description

Command Line and Xml loader, validation, and access.

This object is used to load and query user input via the command line. It requires as input to the constructor 1) an Isis Application Xml file and 2) the command line arguments (argc and argv). The Xml file will be used to validate the user input given on the command line (if any). To access user input see the Aml class which is inherited.

2002-05-29 Jeff Anderson

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::UserInterface::UserInterface ( const std::string &  xmlfile,
int &  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Constructs an UserInterface object.

xmlfile Name of the Isis application xml file to open.
argc Number of arguments on the command line. Must be pass by reference!!
argv[] Array of arguments

References Isis::Gui::checkX11(), Isis::iException::Clear(), Isis::Gui::Create(), Isis::Filename::Exists(), and Isis::Filename::MakeDirectory().

Isis::UserInterface::~UserInterface (  ) 

Destroys the UserInterface object.

Member Function Documentation

bool Isis::UserInterface::AbortOnError (  )  [inline]

Returns true if the program should abort on error, and false if it should continue.

bool True for abort, False for continue
int Isis::UserInterface::BatchListSize (  )  [inline]

Returns the size of the batchlist.

If there is no batchlist, it will return 0

int The size of the batchlist
string IsisAml::Brief (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the brief description of the program.

The brief description.

References IsisAmlData::brief.

void IsisAml::Clear ( const std::string &  paramName  )  [inherited]

Referenced by SetBatchList().

void IsisAml::CommandLine ( Isis::Pvl cont  )  const [inherited]
void IsisAml::CreatePVL ( Isis::Pvl pvlDef,
std::string  guiGrpName,
std::string  pvlObjName,
std::string  pvlGrpName,
std::vector< std::string > &  exclude 
) [inherited]

Create Pvl with the parameters in a user defined group given the Pvl object and group name.

string IsisAml::Description (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the full description of the program.

The full description.

References IsisAmlData::description.

void IsisAml::GetAsString ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< std::string > &  values 
) const [inherited]
std::string IsisAml::GetAsString ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]
void IsisAml::GetBoolean ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< bool > &  values 
) const [inherited]
bool IsisAml::GetBoolean ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]
void IsisAml::GetDouble ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< double > &  values 
) const [inherited]
double IsisAml::GetDouble ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]

Referenced by IsisAml::VerifyAll().

void IsisAml::GetFilename ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< std::string > &  values 
) const [inherited]
Isis::iString IsisAml::GetFilename ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::string  extension = "" 
) const [inherited]
std::string Isis::UserInterface::GetInfoFileName (  ) 

This method returns the filename where the debugging info is stored when the "-info" tag is used.

string Name of file containing debugging ingo.
bool Isis::UserInterface::GetInfoFlag (  ) 

This method returns the flag state of info.

This returns if its in debugging mode(the -info tag was specified).

bool Flag state on info.
Isis::CubeAttributeInput& IsisAml::GetInputAttribute ( const std::string &  paramName  )  [inherited]
void IsisAml::GetInteger ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< int > &  values 
) const [inherited]
int IsisAml::GetInteger ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]

Referenced by IsisAml::VerifyAll().

Isis::CubeAttributeOutput& IsisAml::GetOutputAttribute ( const std::string &  paramName  )  [inherited]
void IsisAml::GetString ( const std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< std::string > &  values 
) const [inherited]
std::string IsisAml::GetString ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]

Referenced by IsisAml::VerifyAll().

int IsisAml::GroupIndex ( const std::string &  grpName  )  const [inherited]

Given the group name get its index in group array.

string IsisAml::GroupName ( const int &  index  )  const [inherited]

Returns the group name of group[index].

index The array index of the group.
The group name.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::Gui::Progress().

string IsisAml::HelperBrief ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  helper 
) const [inherited]

Returns the brief description of the helper button.

group The group index
param The parameter index
helper The helper index
string The brief description of the helper button

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers().

string IsisAml::HelperButtonName ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  helper 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the helper button.

group The group index
param The parameter index
helper The helper index
string The name of the helper

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers().

string IsisAml::HelperDescription ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  helper 
) const [inherited]

Returns the long description of the helper button.

group The group index
param The parameter index
helper The helper index
string The long description of the helper button

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers().

string IsisAml::HelperFunction ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  helper 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the helper function.

group The group index
param The parameter index
helper The helper index
string The name of the helper function

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers().

string IsisAml::HelperIcon ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  helper 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the icon for the helper button.

group The group index
param The parameter index
helper The helper index
string The name of the helper icon

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers().

int IsisAml::HelpersSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of helpers the parameter has.

group The group index
param The parameter index
int The number of helpers the parameter has

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::AddHelpers(), Isis::GuiFilenameParameter::GuiFilenameParameter(), Isis::GuiListParameter::GuiListParameter(), and Isis::GuiStringParameter::GuiStringParameter().

bool Isis::UserInterface::IsInteractive (  )  [inline]

Indicates if the Isis Graphical User Interface is operating.

bool IsisAml::IsParamInPvlInclude ( std::string &  paramName,
std::vector< std::string > &  exclude 
) [inherited]

Verify whether Parameter name is in the Include list Used in creation of DefFile.

int IsisAml::NumGroups (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the number of groups found in the XML.

The number of groups.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by SetBatchList().

int IsisAml::NumParams ( const int &  group  )  const [inherited]

Returns the number of parameters in a group.

group The group to measure.
The number of parameters.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by SetBatchList().

string IsisAml::ParamBrief ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the brief description of a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The brief description.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiBooleanParameter::GuiBooleanParameter(), and Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamDefault ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the default for a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The default for the specified parameter.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter(), Isis::GuiParameter::IsModified(), Isis::GuiBooleanParameter::IsModified(), Isis::GuiParameter::SetToDefault(), and Isis::GuiParameter::Update().

string IsisAml::ParamDescription ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the long description of a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The long description

References IsisAmlData::groups.

string IsisAml::ParamExclude ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  exclude 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified excluded parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
exclude The exclude index
The name of the excluded parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamExcludeSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of parameters excluded in this parameter's exclusions.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The number of items in the parameters exclude list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamFileMode ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the file mode for a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The file mode for the parameter.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiFilenameParameter::SelectFile().

string IsisAml::ParamFilter ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the parameter filter for a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The paramter filter.

References filter(), and IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiFilenameParameter::SelectFile().

string IsisAml::ParamGreaterThan ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  great 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified greaterThan parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
great The greaterThan index
The name of the greaterThan parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamGreaterThanOrEqual ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  great 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified greaterThanOrEqual parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
great The greaterThanOrEqual index
The name of the greaterThanOrEqual parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamGreaterThanOrEqualSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of values in the parameters greater than or equal list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Number of values in the parameters greater than or equal list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamGreaterThanSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of values in the parameters greater than list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Number of values in the parameters greater than list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamInclude ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  include 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified included parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
include The include index
The name of the included parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamIncludeSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of parameters included in this parameter's inclusions.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The number of items in the parameters include list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamInternalDefault ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the internal default for a parameter in a specified group.


group The group index
param The parameter index
The internal default for the specified parameter.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter(), Isis::GuiParameter::IsModified(), Isis::GuiFilenameParameter::SelectFile(), Isis::GuiParameter::SetToDefault(), and Isis::GuiParameter::Update().

string IsisAml::ParamLessThan ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  les 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified lessThan parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
les The lessThan index
The name of the lessThan parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamLessThanOrEqual ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  les 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified lessThanOrEqual parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
les The lessThanOrEqual index
The name of the lessThanOrEqual parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamLessThanOrEqualSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of values in the parameters less than or equal list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Number of values in the parameters less than or equal list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamLessThanSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of values in the parameters less than list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Number of values in the parameters less than list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamListBrief ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option 
) const [inherited]

Returns the brief description for a specific option to a parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
The brief description of the option.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::GuiComboBoxParameter(), and Isis::GuiListParameter::GuiListParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamListDescription ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option 
) const [inherited]

Returns the full description for a specific option to a parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
The full description of the option.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

string IsisAml::ParamListExclude ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option,
const int &  exclude 
) const [inherited]

Returns the parameter name to be excluded if this option is selected.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
exclude The exclusion number within the parameters list.
The parameter name to be excluded if this option is selected.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiListParameter::Exclusions(), and Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::Exclusions().

int IsisAml::ParamListExcludeSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of items in a parameters list exclude section.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
The number of items in the parameters list exclude section.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiListParameter::Exclusions(), and Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::Exclusions().

string IsisAml::ParamListInclude ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option,
const int &  include 
) const [inherited]

Returns the parameter name to be included if this option is selected.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
include The inclusion number within the parameters list.
The parameter name to be included if this option is selected.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

int IsisAml::ParamListIncludeSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of items in a parameters list include section.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
The number of items in the parameters list include section.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

int IsisAml::ParamListSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of options in the specified parameter's list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The number of options contained in the parameter's list. If the parameter does not contain a list, zero will be returned.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameterFactory::Create(), Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::GuiComboBoxParameter(), Isis::GuiListParameter::GuiListParameter(), Isis::GuiListParameter::Set(), and Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::Set().

string IsisAml::ParamListValue ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  option 
) const [inherited]

Returns the option value for a specific option to a parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
option The option number within the parameters list.
The value of the option.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::GuiComboBoxParameter(), Isis::GuiListParameter::GuiListParameter(), Isis::GuiListParameter::Set(), Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::Set(), Isis::GuiListParameter::Value(), and Isis::GuiComboBoxParameter::Value().

string IsisAml::ParamMaximum ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the maximum value of a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The maximum

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamMaximumInclusive ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns whether the maximum value is inclusive or not.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Whether maximum is inclusive or not

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamMinimum ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the minimum value of a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The minimum

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamMinimumInclusive ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns whether the minimum value is inclusive or not.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Whether minimum is inclusive or not

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamName ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the parameter name.

group The group index where the parameter can be found.
param The index of the parameter to name.
The name of the parameter.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by IsisAml::CommandLine(), Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter(), and SetBatchList().

string IsisAml::ParamNotEqual ( const int &  group,
const int &  param,
const int &  notEq 
) const [inherited]

Returns the name of the specified notEqual parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
notEq The notEqual index
The name of the notEqual parameter

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int IsisAml::ParamNotEqualSize ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the number of values in the not equal list.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Number of values in the parameters not equal list

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamOdd ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns whether the selected parameter has a restriction on odd values or not.

group The group index
param The parameter index
Whether the parameter restricts odd values or not

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ParamPath ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the default path for a filename/cube parameter.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The default path.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiFilenameParameter::SelectFile().

string IsisAml::ParamType ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the parameter type of a parameter in a specified group.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The type of parameter.

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameterFactory::Create(), and Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

int Isis::UserInterface::ParentId (  )  [inline]

Returns the parent id.

int The parent id
string IsisAml::PixelType ( const int &  group,
const int &  param 
) const [inherited]

Returns the default pixel type from the XML.

group The group index
param The parameter index
The default pixel type

References IsisAmlData::groups.

Referenced by Isis::GuiParameter::GuiParameter().

string IsisAml::ProgramName (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the Program name.

The name of the program.

References IsisAmlData::name.

Referenced by SaveHistory().

void IsisAml::PutAsString ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutAsString ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::string &  value 
) [inherited]

Referenced by SetBatchList().

void IsisAml::PutBoolean ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< bool > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutBoolean ( const std::string &  paramName,
const bool &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutDouble ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< double > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutDouble ( const std::string &  paramName,
const double &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutFilename ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutFilename ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::string &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutInteger ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< int > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutInteger ( const std::string &  paramName,
const int &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutString ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  value 
) [inherited]
void IsisAml::PutString ( const std::string &  paramName,
const std::string &  value 
) [inherited]
const IsisParameterData* IsisAml::ReturnParam ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [protected, inherited]
void Isis::UserInterface::SaveHistory (  ) 
void Isis::UserInterface::SetBatchList ( int  i  ) 

Clears the gui parameters and sets the batch list information at line i as the new parameters.

i The line number to retrieve parameter information from

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Clear(), IsisAml::Clear(), Isis::iException::Message(), IsisAml::NumGroups(), IsisAml::NumParams(), IsisAml::ParamName(), IsisAml::PutAsString(), ToInteger(), Isis::iString::Token(), Isis::iException::User, and IsisAml::VerifyAll().

void Isis::UserInterface::SetErrorList ( int  i  ) 

This method adds the line specified in the BatchList that the error occured on.

The BatchList line is added exactly as it is seen, so the BatchList command can be run on the errorlist file created.

i The line of the batchlist to write to the error file

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Message(), size, and Isis::iException::User.

bool IsisAml::StringToBool ( Isis::iString  value  )  const [inherited]

Returns a boolean value based on the string contents.

value The value to convert to a boolean
boolean value based on string contents
iException::Programmer (Invalid boolean value)

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::iException::Programmer, and Isis::iString::UpCase().

Referenced by Isis::GuiBooleanParameter::Set(), and IsisAml::VerifyAll().

Gui* Isis::UserInterface::TheGui (  )  [inline]
the Gui
void IsisAml::VerifyAll (  )  [inherited]
string IsisAml::Version (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the application version date.

The application version date

References IsisAmlData::changes, and st.

bool IsisAml::WasEntered ( const std::string &  paramName  )  const [inherited]

Member Data Documentation

std::string IsisAmlData::brief [inherited]
std::vector<std::string> IsisAmlData::categorys [inherited]
std::vector<IsisChangeData> IsisAmlData::changes [inherited]
std::string IsisAmlData::description [inherited]
std::vector<IsisGroupData> IsisAmlData::groups [inherited]
std::string IsisAmlData::name [inherited]

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