Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::VecFilter Class Reference

This class is used to perform filter operations on vectors. More...

#include <VecFilter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VecFilter ()
 Constructs a VecFilter object.
 ~VecFilter ()
 Destroys the VecFilter object.
std::vector< double > LowPass (std::vector< double > invec, int boxsize)
std::vector< double > HighPass (std::vector< double > invec1, std::vector< double > invec2)
std::vector< double > HighPass (std::vector< double > pdInVector1, std::vector< double > pdInVector2, std::vector< int > piValidPntsVector, int piMaxPoints, const iString &psMode="SUBTRACT")

Detailed Description

This class is used to perform filter operations on vectors.

This class performs boxcar filter operations on vectors. The boxcar will be a one dimensional Nx1 boxcar where N is a positive odd integer.

For an example of how the VecFilter object is used in Isis, see the hicubenorm.cpp application.

2009-03-13 Janet Barrett

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::VecFilter::VecFilter (  ) 

Constructs a VecFilter object.

Isis::VecFilter::~VecFilter (  ) 

Destroys the VecFilter object.

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<double> Isis::VecFilter::HighPass ( std::vector< double >  pdInVector1,
std::vector< double >  pdInVector2,
std::vector< int >  piValidPntsVector,
int  piMaxPoints,
const iString psMode = "SUBTRACT" 
std::vector<double> Isis::VecFilter::HighPass ( std::vector< double >  invec1,
std::vector< double >  invec2 
std::vector<double> Isis::VecFilter::LowPass ( std::vector< double >  invec,
int  boxsize 

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