Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::WarningWidget Class Reference

Displays the NoWarning icon as default and the Warning icon in case of exception and also pops up a a menu when an exception occurs. More...

#include <WarningWidget.h>

Inherits QObject.

List of all members.

Public Slots

void resetWarning (void)
 When the dialog "OK" button is clicked or when the mouse is released on some other area or tool the Warning is reset and Nowarning object is displayed.
void checkMessage (void)
 Verify that the right message is displayed in the status bar.

Public Member Functions

 WarningWidget (QStatusBar *pParent)
 Warning widget constructor, initializes and creates the Nowarning, Warning objects and objects associated with them.
 ~WarningWidget ()
 Destructor for the Warning widget.
void viewWarningWidgetIcon (std::string &pStr, const std::string &pExStr)
 View Warning icon when there is an exception.
void setWarningText (std::string pStr)
 Set the message for the status bar and the dialog window.
QString setValuesToRed (std::string psMessage)

Detailed Description

Displays the NoWarning icon as default and the Warning icon in case of exception and also pops up a a menu when an exception occurs.

Clicking on the Warning icon will display a dialog with the Exception details. With the next mouse press event, the Warning icon disappears and the default NoWarning icon appears.

2009-12-11 Sharmila Prasad

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::WarningWidget::WarningWidget ( QStatusBar *  pParent  ) 

Warning widget constructor, initializes and creates the Nowarning, Warning objects and objects associated with them.

sprasad (12/11/2009)
parent - parent of this object

References resetWarning().

Isis::WarningWidget::~WarningWidget (  ) 

Destructor for the Warning widget.

Delete all the dynamically created class members

sprasad (12/11/2009)

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::WarningWidget::checkMessage ( void   )  [slot]

Verify that the right message is displayed in the status bar.

sprasad (3/18/2010)
void Isis::WarningWidget::resetWarning ( void   )  [slot]

When the dialog "OK" button is clicked or when the mouse is released on some other area or tool the Warning is reset and Nowarning object is displayed.

sprasad (12/11/2009)

Referenced by Isis::TrackTool::resetStatusWarning(), and WarningWidget().

QString Isis::WarningWidget::setValuesToRed ( std::string  psMessage  ) 
void Isis::WarningWidget::setWarningText ( std::string  pStr  ) 

Set the message for the status bar and the dialog window.

Highlight the text within "[..]" in red

sprasad (12/11/2009)
pStr - error message

Referenced by viewWarningWidgetIcon().

void Isis::WarningWidget::viewWarningWidgetIcon ( std::string &  pStr,
const std::string &  pExStr 

View Warning icon when there is an exception.

Usually called when an exception occurs.

sprasad (12/11/2009)
pStr - Warning message sent from the exception handler
pExStr - Propagated Exception message

References setWarningText().

Referenced by Isis::TrackTool::displayWarning().

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