Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::ProcessMosaic::MosaicOptions Struct Reference

structure for origin tracking information from the GUI-user set parameters used for internal processing More...

#include <ProcessMosaic.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

bool bTrack
 Tracking Status Flag.
bool bCreate
 Create Mosaic Flag.
int iBandNum
 Band Number for Band Priority.
std::string sKeyName
 Band Property - Original band, FilterName etc.
std::string sKeyValue
 Band Value.
BandCriteria eCriteria
 Lesser or Greater Criteria.
int iInBand
 input band index for the corresponding band in KeyValue
int iOutBand
 output band index for the corresponding band in KeyValue

Detailed Description

structure for origin tracking information from the GUI-user set parameters used for internal processing

Member Data Documentation

input band index for the corresponding band in KeyValue

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::BandComparison(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetBandIndex(), and Isis::ProcessMosaic::ProcessMosaic().

output band index for the corresponding band in KeyValue

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::BandComparison(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetBandIndex(), and Isis::ProcessMosaic::ProcessMosaic().

Band Property - Original band, FilterName etc.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetBandIndex(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::ProcessMosaic(), and Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetBandKeyWord().

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