Isis 3.0 Application Source Code Reference


ControlByRow Class Reference

Collector for Control points within the same row for analysis. More...

#include <ControlByRow.h>

List of all members.


struct  RowPoint
 Structure to return control point statistics for row. More...

Public Member Functions

 ControlByRow ()
 Default constructor.
 ControlByRow (double maxGOF)
 Constructor that sets the maximum goodness of fit tolerance.
 ControlByRow (double minGOF, double maxGOF)
 Constructor that sets the maximum goodness of fit tolerance.
 ~ControlByRow ()
unsigned int size () const
 Determines the number of points (rows) found valid.
void setMinGOF (double minGOF)
 Set the minimum acceptable goodness of fit value.
void setMaxGOF (double maxGOF)
 Set the maximum acceptable goodness of fit value.
void operator() (const PointData &p)
 Operator used to add a point to the data set.
void addPoint (const PointData &p)
 Formal method of adding a control point to the data set.
RowPoint operator[] (int i) const
 Returns a point at the ith location.

Detailed Description

Collector for Control points within the same row for analysis.

This class is designed to be used as a Functor object collecting control net file and collapsing all column measures into on row. This is primarily used for analysis of coregistration results with one or more columns specified in the search/pattern chip strategy.

????-??-?? Unknown

Definition at line 87 of file ControlByRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ControlByRow (  )  [inline]

Default constructor.

Definition at line 119 of file ControlByRow.h.

ControlByRow ( double  maxGOF  )  [inline]

Constructor that sets the maximum goodness of fit tolerance.

maxGOF Value that specifies the maximum goodness of fit which is typically never expected to exceed 1.0 for a good fit.

Definition at line 129 of file ControlByRow.h.

ControlByRow ( double  minGOF,
double  maxGOF 
) [inline]

Constructor that sets the maximum goodness of fit tolerance.

minGOF Value of minimum goodness of fit. Allows user selectable adjustment to coregistration minimum tolerance
maxGOF Value that specifies the maximum goodness of fit which is typically never expected to exceed 1.0 for a good fit.

Definition at line 141 of file ControlByRow.h.

~ControlByRow (  )  [inline]


Definition at line 149 of file ControlByRow.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int size (  )  const [inline]

Determines the number of points (rows) found valid.

The number returned is really the number of unique rows of coregistration chips gleened from the control net.

unsigned int Row/line count

Definition at line 159 of file ControlByRow.h.

void setMinGOF ( double  minGOF  )  [inline]

Set the minimum acceptable goodness of fit value.

This sets the minimum (absolute) value used to gleen valid points from the control net data.

minGOF Minimum goodness of fit tolerance

Definition at line 171 of file ControlByRow.h.

void setMaxGOF ( double  maxGOF  )  [inline]

Set the maximum acceptable goodness of fit value.

This sets the maximum (absolute) value used to gleen valid points from the control net data. This is intended to use to exclude wild points that exceed the level of reasonable tolerance. This is typically 1.0 for most coregistration algorithms.

maxGOF Maximum goodness of fit tolerance

Definition at line 185 of file ControlByRow.h.

void operator() ( const PointData p  )  [inline]

Operator used to add a point to the data set.

This method provides support for the STL for_each algorithm. This allows this class to be used as a functor object.

p Point to tested for acceptance in the list

Definition at line 197 of file ControlByRow.h.

void addPoint ( const PointData p  )  [inline]

Formal method of adding a control point to the data set.

This method will add the provided point to the collection of rows (or lines of points).

p Point to add to the list

Definition at line 210 of file ControlByRow.h.

RowPoint operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Returns a point at the ith location.

Traverses the list of points after computing the merge statistics for the ith row.

i Index of point to return
RowPoint Structure containing the (statistically) merged row

Definition at line 233 of file ControlByRow.h.

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