Isis 3.0 Application Source Code Reference


ZeroBufferSmooth Class Reference

Processes Buffer calibration data (ZeroBufferSmooth Module). More...

#include <ZeroBufferSmooth.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ZeroBufferSmooth ()
 ZeroBufferSmooth (HiCalData &cal, const HiCalConf &conf)
 Construct with data parameters.
virtual ~ZeroBufferSmooth ()
const Statistics & Stats () const
 Return statistics for filtered - raw Buffer.

Detailed Description

Processes Buffer calibration data (ZeroBufferSmooth Module).

This class loads and processes the Buffer data from a HiRISE image for drift correction purposes. The config file contains parameter (ZfFirstSample, ZfLastSample) that indicate which regions of the calibration buffer to extract/use. This region is averaged across the line axis for each line resulting in a single value for each line. The resulting vector is then filtered with a lowpass filter. The filter width (ZfFilterWidth) and number of interations (ZfFilterIterations) are contained within the config file. A spline fit is applied if any missing data remain after filtering.

2008-06-10 Kris Becker

Definition at line 67 of file ZeroBufferSmooth.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ZeroBufferSmooth (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file ZeroBufferSmooth.h.

ZeroBufferSmooth ( HiCalData cal,
const HiCalConf &  conf 
) [inline]

Construct with data parameters.

This constructor completely computes drift from data collected in a HiRISE image

cal Calibration data collection
conf All necessary parameters for computations

Definition at line 81 of file ZeroBufferSmooth.h.

virtual ~ZeroBufferSmooth (  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 87 of file ZeroBufferSmooth.h.

Member Function Documentation

const Statistics& Stats (  )  const [inline]

Return statistics for filtered - raw Buffer.

const Statistics& Statistics class with all stats

Definition at line 94 of file ZeroBufferSmooth.h.

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