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[oc] Syntax errors in OCIDEC -Details

Today I got a fresh  zipped tar ball for OCIDEC and tried do find the 
mentioned errors agains. Here are the results from compiling with modelsim:

  vcom -93 *.vhd

ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(275): near "end": expecting: IF
ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(321): near "architecture": expecting: PROCESS

275: missing "if;" in "end if;"

ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(300): near "end": expecting: IF
ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(349): near "the": expecting: GENERATE THEN
ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(350): near ";": expecting: GENERATE THEN
ERROR: atahost_controller.vhd(353): near "architecture": expecting: PROCESS

300: same as ocidec1
350: "if .. then" instead of "if ... the"

No errors

Best regards


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