Alphabetical Index



Activation-specific DataFlavor with improved MIME parsing.
ActivationDataFlavor(Class,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
ActivationDataFlavor(Class,String,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
ActivationDataFlavor(String,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
addMailcap(String) - method in class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Adds entries programmatically to the registry.
addMimeTypes(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Adds entries prorammatically to the registry.


CommandInfo - class javax.activation.CommandInfo
Description of the result of a command request.
CommandInfo(String,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.CommandInfo
CommandMap - class javax.activation.CommandMap
Registry of command objects available to the system.
CommandObject - interface javax.activation.CommandObject
Bean interface to implement in order to receive notification of the command verb.
createDataContentHandler(String) - method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Returns a DataContentHandler corresponding to the MIME type.
Returns a new data content handler for the specified MIME type.
createDataContentHandler(String) - method in class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Returns the DCH for the specified MIME type.


DataContentHandler - interface javax.activation.DataContentHandler
Provider that can convert streams to objects and vice versa.
Factory interface for creating data content handlers.
DataHandler - class javax.activation.DataHandler
Handler for data available in multiple sources and formats.
DataHandler(javax.activation.DataSource) - constructor for class javax.activation.DataHandler
Constructor in which the data is read from a data source.
DataHandler(Object,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.DataHandler
Constructor using a reified object representation.
DataHandler(URL) - constructor for class javax.activation.DataHandler
Constructor in which the data is read from a URL.
DataSource - interface javax.activation.DataSource
An interface by which MIME data can be retrieved and stored.


equals(DataFlavor) - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor


FileDataSource - class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Data source encapsulating a file.
FileDataSource(File) - constructor for class javax.activation.FileDataSource
FileDataSource(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.FileDataSource
FileTypeMap - class javax.activation.FileTypeMap
Classifier for the MIME content type of files.


get(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Returns the value for the specified parameter name.
getAllCommands() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the complete list of commands for this type of data.
getAllCommands(String) - method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Returns the complete list of commands for a MIME type.
getAllCommands(String) - method in class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Returns all commands for the given MIME type.
getBaseType() - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the string representation of this MIME type without parameters.
getBean(javax.activation.CommandInfo) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the instantiated bean using the specified command.
getCommand(String) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the specified command.
getCommand(String,String) - method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Returns the command corresponding to the specified MIME type and command name.
getCommand(String,String) - method in class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Returns the command with the specified name for the given MIME type.
getCommandClass() - method in class javax.activation.CommandInfo
Returns the command class name.
getCommandName() - method in class javax.activation.CommandInfo
Returns the command verb.
Returns the instantiated bean.
getContent() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the data as a reified object.
Returns an object representing the data in its most preferred form.
getContentType() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the MIME type of the data (with parameters).
getContentType() - method in class javax.activation.DataSource
Returns the MIME content type of the data.
getContentType() - method in class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Returns the MIME content type of the data.
getContentType() - method in class javax.activation.URLDataSource
Returns the Content-Type header for the URL.
getContentType(File) - method in class javax.activation.FileTypeMap
Returns the content type of the specified file.
getContentType(File) - method in class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Returns the MIME content type of the file.
getContentType(String) - method in class javax.activation.FileTypeMap
Returns the content type of the specified file path.
getContentType(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Returns the MIME type based on the given filename.
getDataSource() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the data source from which data is read.
getDefaultCommandMap() - static method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Returns the default command map.
getDefaultFileTypeMap() - static method in class javax.activation.FileTypeMap
Returns the system default file type map.
getFile() - method in class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Returns the underlying file.
getHumanPresentableName() - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
getInputStream() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns an input stream from which the data can be read.
getInputStream() - method in class javax.activation.DataSource
Returns an input stream from which the data can be read.
getInputStream() - method in class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Returns an input stream from which the data can be read.
getInputStream() - method in class javax.activation.URLDataSource
Returns an input stream from which the data can be read.
getMimeType() - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
getName() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the name of the data object if created with a DataSource.
getName() - method in class javax.activation.DataSource
Returns the underlying name of this object.
getName() - method in class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Returns the underlying name of this object.
getName() - method in class javax.activation.URLDataSource
Returns the result of getFile of the underlying URL.
getNames() - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Returns an enumeration of all the parameter names.
getOutputStream() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns an output stream that can be used to overwrite the underlying data, if the DataSource constructor was used.
getOutputStream() - method in class javax.activation.DataSource
Returns an output stream to which the data can be written.
getOutputStream() - method in class javax.activation.FileDataSource
Returns an output stream to which the data can be written.
getOutputStream() - method in class javax.activation.URLDataSource
Returns an output stream to which the data can be written.
getParameter(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the parameter value for the specified name.
getParameters() - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the MIME parameters.
getPreferredCommands() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the preferred commands for this type of data.
getPreferredCommands(String) - method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Returns the list of preferred commands for a MIME type.
getPreferredCommands(String) - method in class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Returns the list of preferred commands for a given MIME type.
getPrimaryType() - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the primary type.
getRepresentationClass() - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
getSubType() - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the subtype.
getTransferData(DataFlavor) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns an object representing the data to be transferred.
Returns an object representing the data to be transferred.
getTransferDataFlavors() - method in class javax.activation.DataContentHandler
Returns a list of the flavors that data can be provided in, ordered by preference.
getTransferDataFlavors() - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Returns the data flavors in which this data is available.
getURL() - method in class javax.activation.URLDataSource
Returns the underlying URL.


isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Indicates whether the specified data flavor is supported for this data.
isEmpty() - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Indicates if there are no parameters.
isMimeTypeEqual(String) - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor


The GNU JavaBeans™ Activation Framework (JAF) provides a free implementation of the JavaBeans™ Activation Framework, version 1.0.2.


MailcapCommandMap - class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Implementation of a command map using a mailcap file (RFC 1524).
MailcapCommandMap() - constructor for class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Default constructor.
MailcapCommandMap(InputStream) - constructor for class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Constructor specifying an input stream.
MailcapCommandMap(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
Constructor specifying a filename.
match(javax.activation.MimeType) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns true if the primary and subtype of this MIME type are the same as in the given MIME type.
match(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns true if the primary and subtype of this MIME type are the same as in the given MIME type string.
MimeType - class javax.activation.MimeType
A MIME content type, as defined in RFCs 2045 and 2046.
MimeType() - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeType
Constructor for an application/* content type.
MimeType(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeType
Constructor that parses a raw String.
MimeType(String,String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeType
Constructor for a new MIME type with the given primary and sub types and an empty parameter list.
A list of MIME type parameters, as specified in RFCs 2045 and 2046.
MimeTypeParameterList() - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Constructor for an empty parameter list.
MimeTypeParameterList(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Constructor that parses the specified MIME parameter data.
Exception thrown to indicate a malformed MIME content type.
MimeTypeParseException() - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException
Constructs a MimeTypeParseException with no detail message.
MimeTypeParseException(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException
MimeTypeParseException with the specified detail message.
Implementation of FileTypeMap that uses the mime.types format.
MimetypesFileTypeMap() - constructor for class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Default constructor.
MimetypesFileTypeMap(InputStream) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Constructor specifying an input stream.
MimetypesFileTypeMap(String) - constructor for class javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
Constructor specifying a filename.


normalizeMimeType(String) - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor


parse(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Parses the specified MIME parameter data, storing the results in this object.


readExternal(ObjectInput) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
remove(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Removes the parameter identified by the specified name.
removeParameter(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Removes the parameter value for the specified name.


set(String,String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Sets the value for the specified parameter name.
Initializes the command with the verb it is expected to perform and the data handler describing the data to operate on.
setCommandMap(javax.activation.CommandMap) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Sets the command map to be used by this data handler.
Sets the data content handler factory.
setDefaultCommandMap(javax.activation.CommandMap) - static method in class javax.activation.CommandMap
Sets the default command map.
setDefaultFileTypeMap(javax.activation.FileTypeMap) - static method in class javax.activation.FileTypeMap
Sets the default file type map.
Sets the file type map to use to determine the content type of the file.
setHumanPresentableName(String) - method in class javax.activation.ActivationDataFlavor
setParameter(String,String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Sets the parameter value for the specified name.
setPrimaryType(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Sets the primary type.
setSubType(String) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Sets the subtype.
size() - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Returns the number of parameters.


toString() - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
Returns the complete string representation of this MIME type.
toString() - method in class javax.activation.MimeTypeParameterList
Returns an RFC 2045-complient string representation of this parameter list.


Exception indicating that the requested method doesn't support the specified data type.
UnsupportedDataTypeException() - constructor for class javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException
Constructs an UnsupportedDataTypeException with no detail message.
Constructs an UnsupportedDataTypeException with the specified detail message.
URLDataSource - class javax.activation.URLDataSource
DataSource implementation that retrieves its data from a URL.
URLDataSource(URL) - constructor for class javax.activation.URLDataSource


writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - method in class javax.activation.MimeType
writeTo(Object,String,OutputStream) - method in class javax.activation.DataContentHandler
Writes the object as a stream of bytes.
writeTo(OutputStream) - method in class javax.activation.DataHandler
Writes the data as a byte stream.