Package gnu.mail.providers.imap

This is a provider for the Internet Message Access Protocol, version 4rev1 (IMAP4rev1), as detailed in RFC 3501.

Class Summary

IMAPBodyPart A MIME body part of an IMAP multipart message.
IMAPFolder The folder class implementing the IMAP4rev1 mail protocol.
IMAPMessage The message class implementing the IMAP4 mail protocol.
IMAPMultipart An IMAP multipart component.
IMAPMultipartDataSource An IMAP multipart component.
IMAPStore The storage class implementing the IMAP4rev1 mail protocol.
IMAPTest Simple test for IMAP.
This is a provider for the Internet Message Access Protocol, version 4rev1 (IMAP4rev1), as detailed in RFC 3501.

This provider supports any supported SASL authentication mechanism including CRAM-MD5 as specified by RFC 2195, and transport layer security (TLS), as described in RFC 2595.

The GNU IMAP Store operates over a single socket connection to the server. It does not use a pool of connections. <!-- TODO UID -->

This provider supports the following properties:

Name Type Description IP address or hostname The IMAP server to connect to.
mail.imap.port integer (>=1) The port to connect to, if not the default.
mail.imap.user username The default username for IMAP.
mail.imap.connectiontimeout integer (>=1) Socket connection timeout, in milliseconds. Default is no timeout.
mail.imap.timeout integer (>=1) Socket I/O timeout, in milliseconds. Default is no timeout.
mail.imap.tls boolean If set to false, TLS negotiation will not be attempted.
mail.imap.trustmanager String The name of a class implementing the interface, which will be used to determine trust in TLS negotiation.
mail.imap.auth.mechanisms comma-delimited list of SASL mechanisms If set, only the specified SASL mechanisms will be attempted during authentication, in the given order. If not present, the SASL mechanisms advertised by the server will be used.
mail.imap.debug.ansi boolean If set to true, and mail.debug is also true, and your terminal supports ANSI escape sequences, you will get syntax coloured responses.