Package gnu.mail.providers.mbox

This is a provider for the UNIX mbox mailbox file format, used by many 3rd-party MUAs including Netscape, Mozilla, mutt, elm, and pine.

Class Summary

MboxFolder The folder class implementing a UNIX mbox-format mailbox.
MboxMessage The message class implementing the Mbox mail protocol.
MboxStore The storage class implementing the Mbox mailbox file format.
This is a provider for the UNIX mbox mailbox file format, used by many 3rd-party MUAs including Netscape, Mozilla, mutt, elm, and pine.

Further information about the format of an mbox mailbox is available here.

This provider supports the following properties:

Name Type Description
mail.mbox.mailhome directory path The path to a directory that holds mbox mailboxes and/or directories. Such files and directories will be exposed as mail folders by the provider.
mail.mbox.inbox file path The path to a file which should be considered to be the primary inbox (equivalent to the MAIL environment variable). Requests for "INBOX" will return this file as a Folder. If not set, and the attemptfallback property is set to true (see below), /var/mail/${}, /var/spool/mail/${}, and ${user.home}/Mailbox will be attempted, in that order.
mail.mbox.attemptfallback boolean Whether to try to locate the mail spool in some common (UNIX) locations.