System.Version Class

public sealed class Version : ICloneable, IComparable

Base Types


This type implements ICloneable and IComparable.






Represents the version number of an assembly.


Version numbers for an assembly consist of two to four components: major, minor, build, and revision. Components major and minor must be defined. Build and revision components are optional. Component revision may be used if and only if build is defined. All defined components must be a Int32 greater than or equal to zero.

[Note: By convention, the components are used as follows:


See Also

System Namespace


Version Constructors

Version(int, int, int, int) Constructor
Version(int, int, int) Constructor
Version(int, int) Constructor
Version(System.String) Constructor
Version() Constructor

Version Methods

Version.Clone Method
Version.CompareTo Method
Version.Equals Method
Version.GetHashCode Method
Version.op_Equality Method
Version.op_GreaterThan Method
Version.op_GreaterThanOrEqual Method
Version.op_Inequality Method
Version.op_LessThan Method
Version.op_LessThanOrEqual Method

Version Properties

Version.Build Property
Version.Major Property
Version.Minor Property
Version.Revision Property

Version(int, int, int, int) Constructor

public Version(int major, int minor, int build, int revision);


Constructs and initializes a new instance of the Version class with the specified major, minor, build, and revision numbers.


A Int32 specifying the major component.
A Int32 specifying the minor component.
A Int32 specifying the build component.
A Int32 specifying the revision component.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionmajor, minor, build, or revision is less than zero.


The following example sets the version to "" and writes the result to the console.

using System;

public class Vers {
  public static void Main() {

    Version vers = new Version( 6, 1, 2, 4 );
    Console.WriteLine( "Version is {0}", vers.ToString() );
The output is

Version is

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version(int, int, int) Constructor

public Version(int major, int minor, int build);


Constructs and initializes a new instance of the Version class using the specified major, minor, and build values.


A Int32 specifying the major component.
A Int32 specifying the minor component.
A Int32 specifying the build component.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionmajor, minor, or build is less than zero.


The following example sets the version to "6.1.2" and writes the result to the console.

using System;

public class Vers {
  public static void Main() {

    Version vers = new Version( 6, 1, 2 );
    Console.WriteLine( "Version is {0}", vers.ToString() );
The output is

Version is 6.1.2

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version(int, int) Constructor

public Version(int major, int minor);


Constructs and initializes a new instance of the Version class using the specified major and minor values.


A Int32 specifying the major component.
A Int32 specifying the minor component.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionmajor or minor is less than zero.


The following example sets the version to "6.1" and writes the result to the console.

using System;

public class Vers {
  public static void Main() {

    Version vers = new Version( 6, 1 );
    Console.WriteLine( "Version is {0}", vers.ToString() );
The output is

Version is 6.1

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version(System.String) Constructor

public Version(string version);


Constructs and initializes a new instance of the Version class using the values represented by the specified String.


A String that represents 2 to 4 Int32 integers separated by period characters ('.'). Each component delineated by a period character will be parsed to a Int32 with System.Int32.Parse(System.String)(String). The numbers will be processed in the following order: major, minor, build, revision. If the revision or the revision and the build components are not represented by version, their values will be undefined.

[Note: The formatting of version must be as follows, with optional components shown in square brackets ('[' and']'): major.minor[.build[.revision]], where each component returns a Int32 with System.Int32.Parse(System.String) (String).



Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentExceptionversion has fewer than 2 components or more than 4 components (i.e. fewer than 1 or more than 3 period characters).
ArgumentNullExceptionversion is a null reference.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionmajor, minor, build, or revision is less than zero.
FormatExceptionAt least one component of version does not parse to a Int32 with System.Int32.Parse(System.String) (String).


The following example sets the version to "" and writes the result to the console.

using System;

public class Vers {
  public static void Main() {

    Version vers = new Version( "" );
    Console.WriteLine( "Version is {0}", vers.ToString() );
The output is

Version is

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version() Constructor

public Version();


Constructs and initializes a new instance of the Version class.


System.Version.Major and System.Version.Minor are set to zero. System.Version.Build and System.Version.Revision are unspecified.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Clone Method

public object Clone();


Returns a new Object with values equal to the property values of the current instance.

Return Value

A new Object whose values are equal to the property values of the current instance.


The Object returned by this method must be explicitly cast to a Version before it may be used as one.

[Note: This method is implemented to support the ICloneable interface.]


The following example clones the version number and writes the result to the console.

using System;
class VersionCloneExample {
  public static void Main() {
    Version vers = new Version("");
    Console.WriteLine("The string representation of the" +
                      " version is {0}.",
    Version clone = (Version) vers.Clone();
    Console.WriteLine("The original version was" +
                      " successfully cloned.");
    Console.Write("The string representation of the" +
                  " cloned version is {0}.",
The output is

The string representation of the version is

The original version was successfully cloned.

The string representation of the cloned version is

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.CompareTo Method

public int CompareTo(object version);


Returns the sort order of the current instance compared to the specified Object.


The Object to compare to the current instance.

Return Value

A Int32 containing a value that reflects the sort order of the current instance as compared to version. The following table defines the conditions under which the returned value is a negative number, zero, or a positive number.

Return ValueDescription
Any negative number Current instance < version.
ZeroCurrent instance == version.
Any positive number Current instance > version, or version is a null reference.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentExceptionversion is not a Version and is not a null reference


[Note: The components of Version in decreasing order of importance are: major, minor, build, and revision. An undefined component is assumed to be older than any defined component.

This method is implemented to support the IComparable interface.



using System;
class VersionTest {
   static string Test ( Version v1, Version v2 ) {
      int i = v1.CompareTo(v2);
      if ( i < 0 )
         return "older than";
      else if ( i == 0 )
         return "the same as";
         return "newer than";
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers1 = new Version( "" );
      Version vers2 = new Version( 6, 1 );
      Version vers3 = new Version( 6, 1, 3 );
      Console.Write("Version {0} is {1} ",
                    vers1, Test(vers1, vers2));
      Console.WriteLine("version {0}", vers2); 
      Console.Write("Version {0} is {1} ",
                    vers1, Test(vers1, vers3));
      Console.WriteLine("version {0}", vers3); 
      Console.Write("Version {0} is {1} ",
                    vers3, Test(vers3, vers3));
      Console.WriteLine("version {0}", vers3); 
      Console.Write("Version {0} is {1} ",
                    vers2, Test(vers2, vers1));
      Console.WriteLine("version {0}", vers1);
The output is

Version is newer than version 6.1

Version is older than version 6.1.3

Version 6.1.3 is the same as version 6.1.3

Version 6.1 is older than version

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Equals Method

public override bool Equals(object obj);


Determines whether the current instance and the specified Object represent the same type and value.


The Object to compare to the current instance.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates obj is the same type as the current instance and has equal System.Version.Major, System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties as the current instance. If obj is a null reference or is not an instance of Version, returns false .


[Note: This method overrides System.Object.Equals(System.Object).]


using System;
class VersionEqualsExample {
   static void testEquals(Version v1, Version v2) {
      Console.Write("It is {0} that version ",
      Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}.",
                    v1, v2);
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers1 = new Version( "" );
      Version vers2 = new Version( 6, 1 );
      testEquals( vers1, vers1 );
      testEquals( vers1, vers2 );
The output is

It is True that version is equal to

It is False that version is equal to 6.1.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.GetHashCode Method

public override int GetHashCode();


Generates a hash code for the current instance.

Return Value

A Int32 containing the hash code for the current instance.


The algorithm used to generate the hash code is unspecified.

[Note: This method overrides System.Object.GetHashCode.]

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_Equality Method

public static bool operator ==(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether two instances of Version are equal.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 and v2 have equal System.Version.Major, System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, or both v1 and v2 are null ; otherwise false .


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_GreaterThan Method

public static bool operator >(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether the first instance of Version is greater than the second instance of Version.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 is greater than v2; otherwise false . If v1 is null , false is returned.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentNullExceptionv2 is a null reference.


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_GreaterThanOrEqual Method

public static bool operator >=(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether the first instance of Version is greater than or equal to the second instance of Version.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 is greater than or equal to v2; otherwise false . If v1 is null , false is returned.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentNullExceptionv2 is a null reference.


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_Inequality Method

public static bool operator !=(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether two instances of Version are not equal.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 and v2 have at least one unequal property; otherwise false . If v1 and v2 are both null , returns false; if one is null but not the other, returns true .


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_LessThan Method

public static bool operator  <(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether the first instance of Version is less than the second instance of Version.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 is less than v2; otherwise false . If v2 is null , false is returned.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentNullExceptionv1 is a null reference.


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.op_LessThanOrEqual Method

public static bool operator <=(Version v1, Version v2);


Determines whether the first instance of Version is less than or equal to the second instance of Version.


An instance of the Version class.
An instance of the Version class.

Return Value

A Boolean where true indicates v1 is less than or equal to v2; otherwise false . If v2 is null , false is returned.


Exception TypeCondition
ArgumentNullExceptionv1 is a null reference.


The parts of the version number are compared independently starting with the System.Version.Major property and then the System.Version.Minor, System.Version.Build, and System.Version.Revision properties, in order. This method returns as soon as one of the properties is determined not to be equal.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Build Property

public int Build { get; }


Gets the value of the build component of the current instance.

Property Value

A Int32 specifying the build component, or -1 if the build component is undefined.


This property is read-only.

[Note: If the version number is, the build component is 2. If the version number is 6.1, the build component is -1, which is considered to be undefined.]


using System;
class VersionBuildExample {
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers = new Version("");
      Console.Write("The build component of ");
      Console.WriteLine("version vers = {0}.", vers.Build);
The output is

The build component of version vers = 2.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Major Property

public int Major { get; }


Gets the value of the major component of the current instance.

Property Value

A Int32 specifying the major component.


This property is read-only.

[Example: If the version number is 6.1, the major version is 6.]


using System;
class VersionMajorExample {
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers = new Version("");
      Console.Write("The major component ");
      Console.WriteLine("of version vers = {0}.",
The output is

The major component of version vers = 6.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Minor Property

public int Minor { get; }


Gets the value of the minor component of the current instance.

Property Value

A Int32 specifying the minor component.


This property is read-only.

[Example: If the version number is 6.1, the minor component is 1.]


using System;
class VersionMinorExample {
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers = new Version("");
      Console.Write("The minor component ");
      Console.WriteLine("of version vers = {0}.",
The output is

The minor component of version vers = 1.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace

Version.Revision Property

public int Revision { get; }


Gets the value of the revision component of the current instance.

Property Value

A Int32 specifying the revision component, or -1 if the revision component is undefined.


This property is read-only.

[Example: If the version number is, the revision component is 4. If the version number is 6.1, the revision component is considered to be undefined.]


using System;
class VersionRevisionExample {
   public static void Main() {
      Version vers = new Version("");
      Console.Write("The revision component of ");
      Console.WriteLine("version vers = {0}.",
The output is

The revision component of version vers = 4.

See Also

System.Version Class, System Namespace