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gnatsweb attachments

I noticed that there was some discussion of gnatsweb attachments a while back. Some of our gnats users have expressed a desire to have gnatsweb attachments treated as regular mail attachments when they are notified of PR creation, etc., and I think this is a very reasonable request.
It looks like gnats web makes a good effort to make it's attachments MIME-compliant, but the rest of the mail info is not written to allow the files to be treated as full mail attachments. I could be way off base, but based on how other mails seem to indicate their attachments, I think that's accurate. Basically, it looks like the notification mail has to claim to be a multi-part mime file with a part-boundary defined.
One way to approach this issue, which was forwarded by someone earlier, is to have an official recognition of file attachments in the GNATS core. This would be nice, but it would require some time and effort on someone's part. Are there any other ideas? I think this would be a very handy extension to current GNATS functionality.
Austin Bingham
Laboratory for Intelligent Processes and Systems
University of Texas at Austin

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