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Re: How to add a field to the Gnats Data Base?

Thanks for your help!  There doesn't seem to be any documentation on the
release-based fields (like what type of values they take, and whether there
are any restrictions on the values). gnatsweb-2.7beta seems to know the fields
might be in the data base, but doesn't seem to do anything with them.


Rick Macdonald wrote:

> On Wed, 10 May 2000, Steve Kelem wrote:
> > How hard is it to add a field to the Gnats data base?
> > I need to add a field "By When?" that takes a date.
> > This will allow us to categorize each PR for when we intend to
> > fix/respond to them, and then concentrate on the PRs for a certain
> > release date.
> In GNATS 3.113, this already exists if you build it --with-release-based.
> The field is supported by TkGnats, I assume but don't know for sure that
> gnatsweb does as well, but you'll have to check.
> I think all you need to do after rebuilding gnats is to run "gen-index" to
> build a new index with the three new fields that you get
> --with-release-based. With TkGnats, you can "hide" the other two if you
> don't want them (Keywords and Quarter).
> In V4, you can add and subtract whatever you want!
> ...RickM...
org:Adaptive Silicon, Inc.
adr:;;985 University Ave., Suite 31;Los Gatos;CA;95032-7639;U.S.
title:Chief Scientist
fn:Steve Kelem

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