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Re: Submitting PR's 'closed' or with predetermined closing time.

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Pekka Savola wrote:

> I think this feature might be useful in environments where many
> administrators file "for-inform" informational PR's in the database.
> Is it possible to file new PR's as 'closed'?  At least Gnatsweb doesn't
> support this.  The reason?  Because this is informational (of which some
> are there for archival purposes only), it might not make sense having to
> remember to close the PR and thus sending excess messages to all
> concerning parties.

This was always mostly in the gnats core, I think, but 10 months ago I
fixed up a couple of details and we use it all the time with TkGnats for
exactly the same reason.

I _think_ gnatsweb would present the state field in the sendpr form by
simply setting the "show-in-send-pr-form-please" flag (don't have the name
handy), but there may be more to it that this.

> Another interesting feature might be a PR that would automatically close
> or change state without sending those informational emails.  This way,
> some new announcement would show in open reports for a while, and after
> some time (when people have probably seen it), it would be silently
> archived.

I have a state of "purge", which has state class of "closed". I never
wrote the script yet, but the intention is to a have a script that deltes
from the gnats database all PRs with a state of purge that have been
closed longer than some number of days.

Built-in generic support for such features would be interesting, as you
say. Perhaps in V4 some day...


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