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2003 Nov 24 - Release of Version 0.8.1

Added STConversation object. Basically, it's a conversation with objects in an environment using a scripting language. The reason for creating this clas was to open a path for easier remote scripting where you can 'talk in a conversation' with a remote DO server or application. However, this remote part is just going to be implemented. Added ReadlineTranscript. Renamed, added and deprecated some STEnvironment methods. Methods were not removed, NSLog warnings were added.

Also a link to the MolTalk, project that uses StepTalk, was added at the links page.

2003 Nov 17 - StepTalk moving.

StepTalk has been moved.

2003 Aug 13 - Release of Version 0.8.0

Noteworthy changes from lates release are: StepTalk has been finally changed to a framework. Script objects were introduced. For more information about Script Objects see this page.

StepTalk module was removed, because it was no longer required. Added framework loading support in environment description files (.stenv). Some bugs were fixed and code was cleaned a bit.

Important note: You HAVE to remove your previous installation of StepTalk to be able to install new one. (especially Local/Library/Headers/StepTalk). This is required because of the change from library to a framework.

2003 Jun 17 - Prerelease of Version 0.7.2

Created a workaround for gnustep-base Distributed Objects bug. Now communication with distant objects should work correctly and should not cause segfaults or other odd behaviour. Some generated documentation added. Implemented Framework support. How to make Frameworks scriptable is here, and how to use frameworks from your script is here. Some Smalltalk parser bugs were fixed.

2003 Apr 21 - Application Scripting and Version 0.7.1

Prepared StepTalk for application scripting support. Added application scripting support bundle. Added documentation for application scripting. Many source cleanups by David Ayers. Some bugfixes in Smalltalk source reader.

Added Library Reference documentation.

2003 Feb 3 - Version 0.7.0

Changes since the prerelease: Code cleaned for many compiler warnings. In Smalltalk: reading of integers and assignments is more intelligent.

2003 Jan 25 - First Prerelease of 0.7.0 (0.7.0pre1)

A new ability to use any bundle or framework for scripting was added (notes for developers are here). Scripting information was moved from the bundle info dictionary into a separate file. .stmodules were replaced with plain .bundles. The STModule class was removed, conditional GDL2 module installation was added, and small improvements and bugfixes were made.

Important Note: You have to rebuild and reinstall all modules, because the bundle format has changed.

2002 Dec 25 - Version 0.6.2

Added parsing of real numbers in Smalltalk. Added two new handy methods into the ObjectiveC bundle: selectorsContainingString: returns an array of selectors that contain specified string and implementorsOfSelector: returns an array of all classes that implement specified selector. Created example language bundle called MyLanguage, see the Languages directory in the package. Added GDL2 module. Fixed installation issue: removed forced installation to the user's home directory.

2002 Dec 1 - Fix for These Pages

Fixed pages to work with Netscape 4.x. The browser does not support style sheets correctly as it should, so I have removed them for this kind of browser. Style-sheet is included with small Java-script that checks for a browser version. If someone has a better solution, let me know. I do not want to use tables for the page layout, because they are not for that purpose.

2002 Nov 10 - Documentation

Added documentation link.

2002 Sep 15 - Version 0.6.1

Added two new modules: ObjectiveC and StepTalk. With the ObjectiveC module, for examle, one may ask for all methods that an object responds to. With the StepTalk module it is possible to acces some StepTalk classes. This release also includes few bugfixes and code cleanup.

2002 Jun 9 - Version 0.6.0

The illusion of a single objective environment was created with Object Finders. StepTalk shell, an interactive tool for communicating with objects, was added. Automated loading of modules an d finders is now possible, using scripting environment descriptions. The StepTalk defaults were changed. Some source documentation was added. Bugfixes were made in the Smalltalk language.

2002 May 13 - StepTalk is an official part of the GNUstep project

StepTalk is now an official part of the GNUstep project. It was also included in the GNUstep CVS repository.

2002 Apr 13 - StepTalk 0.5.2 and AppTalk 0.2.0

AppTalk - Created scripting support bundle, so application does not have to be linked with StepTalk library. Bundles loaded by the application now can provide additional scripts and additional scripting capabilities (new objects). Application is looking for scripting information and scripts in all loaded bundles. Updated documentation about script search locations and about optional scripting using bundle. Created scripting support file.
StepTalk - Removed AppTalk sources and added an option to 'make' that disables building of AppKit stuff.

2002 Apr 10 - version 0.5.1

Added AppTalk application scripting library. Smalltalk syntax changed (See Documentation/Smalltalk section Source). Make it build with latest GNUstep release and fixed AppKit constants. Various bug-fixes.

2002 Feb 5 - version 0.5.0

Added support for ranges, points and sizes (see example Implemented selector handling (see examples and Created new example from GNUstep pldes tool.
Smalltalk: Small (10-15%) speed improvements of block evaluation. Handle 'exit' method in script object. 'self exit' will terminate script execution. Added some documentation of Smalltalk features.

2002 Jan 21 - version 0.4.1

Guile - new language bundle. You need step-guile to use it. Created separate Foundation module to provide Foundation constants. Some bugs were fixed.

2002 Jan 9 - version 0.4.0

Created new module for using AppKit and added some examples: openPanel - shows NSOpenPanel and rtf2text - converts RTF document to plain text.
Now you can execute scripts with more methods and tools will try to get language type from file extension.