Installing and using the binary distribution

The binary release includes only the binary compiled ‘.class’ versions of the same ‘.java’ source files in the source release. It does not include any documentation, so you probably want the source release in addition to the binary release. The purpose of the binary release is just to save you the time and trouble of compiling the sources.

The binary release depends on certain "Java 2" features correspondiong to JDK 1.4. If you have an older Java implementation (including JDK 1.1.x) you will need to get the source distribution. The same is true is you want to have Kawa make use of JDK 1.5 or 1.6 features.

The binary release comes as a .jar archive ‘kawa-1.9.1.jar’. Copy this archive to some suitable location, such as /usr/local/lib/kawa.jar.

Then, before you can actually run Kawa, you need to set CLASSPATH so it includes the Kawa archive. On Unix, using a Bourne-style shell:


On Windows you need to set classpath in a DOS console. For example:

set classpath=\kawa\kawa-1.9.1.jar

Then to run Kawa do:

java kawa.repl

To run Kawa in a fresh window, you can do:

java kawa.repl -w