Defining new classes

Kawa provides various mechanisms for defining new classes. The define-class and define-simple-class forms will usually be the preferred mechanisms. They have basically the same syntax, but have a couple of differences. define-class allows multiple inheritance as well as true nested (first-class) class objects. However, the implementation is more complex: code using it is slightly slower, and the mapping to Java classes is a little less obvious. (Each Scheme class is implemented as a pair of an interface and an implementation class.) A class defined by define-simple-class is slightly more efficient, and it is easier to access it from Java code.

The syntax of define-class are mostly compatible with that in the Guile and Stk dialects of Scheme.

Syntax: define-class name (supers ...) field-or-method-decl ...

Syntax: define-simple-class name (supers ...) field-or-method-decl ...

field-or-method ::= field-decl | method-decl
field-decl ::= (fname [:: ftype] [option-keyword option-value]*)
method-decl ::= ((method-name formal-arguments) [:: rtype] [option-keyword option-value]* body)

Defines a new class named name. If define-simple-class is used, creates a normal Java class named name in the current package. (If name has the form <xyx> the Java implementation type is named xyz.) For define-class the implementation is unspecified. In most cases, the compiler creates a class pair, consisting of a Java interface and a Java implementation class.

The class inherits from the classes and interfaces listed in supers. This is a list of names of classes that are in scope (perhaps imported using require), or names for existing classes or interfaces surrounded by <>, such as <gnu.lists.Sequence>. If define-simple-class is used, at most one of these may be the name of a normal Java class or classes defined using define-simple-class; the rest must be interfaces or classes defined using define-class. If define-class is used, all of the classes listed in supers should be interfaces or classes defined using define-class.

Each field-decl declares a instance "slot" (field) with the given fname. By default it is publicly visible, but you can specify a different visiblity with the access: specifier. If ftype is specified it is the type of the slot. The following option-keywords are implemented:

type: ftype

Specifies that ftype is the type of (the values of) the field. Equivalent to ‘:: ftype’.

allocation: kind

If kind is 'class or 'static a single slot is shared between all instances of the class (and its sub-classes). Not yet implemented for define-class, only for define-simple-class. In Java terms this is a static field.

If kind is 'instance then each instance has a separate value "slot", and they are not shared. In Java terms, this is a non-static field. This is the default.

You can use a keyword like class: or a string like "class" if you prefer instead of a quoted symbol like 'class; the latter is recommended.

access: kind

Specifies the Java access permission on the field. Can be one of 'private, 'protected, 'public (which is the default in Kawa), or 'package (which the default "unnamed" permission in Java code).

init: expr

An expression used to initialize the slot. The expression is evaluated in a scope that includes the field and method names of the current class.

init-form: expr

An expression used to initialize the slot. The lexical environment of the expr is that of the define-class; it does not include the field and method names of the current class. or define-simple-class.

init-value: value

A value expression used to initialize the slot. For now this is synonymous with init-form:, but that may change (depending on what other implementation do), so to be safe only use init-value: with a literal.

init-keyword: name:

A keyword that that can be used to initialize instance in make calls. For now, this is ignored, and name should be the same as the field's fname.

The fname can be left out. That indicates a "dummy slot", which is useful for initialization not tied to a specific field. In this example, x is the only actual field. It is first initialized to 10, but if (some-condition) is true then its value is doubled.

(define-simple-class <my-class> ()
  (allocation: 'class
   init: (perform-actions-when-the-class-is-initizalized))
  (x init: 10)
  (init: (if (some-condition) (set! x (* x 2)))))

Each method-decl declares method, which is by default public and non-static, and whose name is method-name. (If method-name is not a valid Java method name, it is mapped to something reasonable. For example foo-bar? is mapped to isFooBar.) The types of the method arguments can be specified in the formal-arguments. The return type can be specified by rtype, or is otherwise the type of the body. Currently, the formal-arguments cannot contain optional, rest, or keyword parameters. (The plan is to allow optional parameters, implemented using multiple overloaded methods.)

A method-decl in a define-simple-class can have the following option-keywords:

access: kind

Specifies the Java access permission on the method. Can be one of 'private, 'protected, 'public, or 'package.

allocation: kind

If kind is 'class or 'static creates a static method.

throws: ( exception-class-name ... )

Specifies a list of checked exception that the method may throw. Equivalent to a throws specification in Java code. For example:

(define-simple-class <T>
  ((lookup name) throws: (<>)
   (make <> (string-append prefix name))))

The special method-name*init*’ can be used to name a non-default constructor (in a define-simple-class only). It can be used to initialize a freshly-allocated instance using passed-in parameters. You can call a superclass or a sibling constructor using the invoke-special special function. (This is general but admittedly a bit verbose; a more compact form may be added in the future.) See the example below.

The scope of the body of a method includes the field-decls and field-decls of the body, including those inherited from superclasses and implemented interfaces.

In the following example we define a simple class <2d-vector> and a class <3d-vector> that extends it. (This is for illustration only - defining 3-dimensional points as an extension of 2-dimensional points does not really make sense.)

(define-simple-class <2d-vector> ()
  (x type: <double> init-keyword: x:)
  (y type: <double> init-keyword: y:)
  (zero-2d :: <2d-vector> allocation: 'static
   init-value: (make <2d-vector> 0))
  ;; An object initializer (constructor) method.
  ((*init* (x0 :: <double>) (y0 :: <double>))
   (set! x x0)
   (set! y y0))
  ((*init* (xy0 :: <double>))
   ;; Call above 2-argument constructor.
   (invoke-special <2d-vector> (this) '*init* xy0 xy0))
  ;; Need a default constructor as well, for the  (make ..) below.
  ((*init*) #!void)
  ((add (other :: <2d-vector>)) :: <2d-vector>
   ;; Kawa compiles this using primitive Java types!
   (make <2d-vector>
     x: (+ x (slot-ref other 'x))
     y: (+ y (slot-ref other 'y))))
  ((scale (factor :: <double>)) :: <2d-vector>
   (make <2d-vector> x: (* factor x) y: (* factor y))))

(define-simple-class <3d-vector> (<2d-vector>)
  (z type: <double> init-value: 0.0 init-keyword: z:)
  ;; A constructor which calls the superclass constructor.
  ((*init* (x0 :: <double>) (y0 :: <double>) (z0 :: <double>))
   (invoke-special <2d-vector> (this) '*init* x0 y0)
   (set! z z0))
  ;; Need a default constructor for the  (make ..) below.
  ((*init*) #!void)
  ((scale (factor :: <double>)) :: <2d-vector>
   ;; Note we cannot override the return type to <3d-vector>
   ;; because Java does not allow that.  Should hide that. .
   (make <3d-vector>
     ;; Unfortunately, slot names of inherited classes are not visible.
     ;; Until this is fixed, use slot-ref.
     x: (* factor (slot-ref (this) 'x))
     y: (* factor (*:.y (this))) ;; Alternative syntax.
     z: (* factor z))))

Note we define both explicit non-default constructor methods, and we associate fields with keywords, so they can be named in a make call. The latter requires a default constructor, and since having non-default constructors suppresses the implicit default constructor we have to explicitly define it. Using both styles of constructors is rather redundant, though.