Interface CanInline

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddOp, AncestorAxis, AncestorOrSelfAxis, AppendValues, ApplyToArgs, ArithOp, AttributeAxis, BooleanValue, CastableAs, CastAs, ChildAxis, Compare, ConstantFunction0, Convert, DescendantAxis, DescendantOrSelfAxis, DivideOp, FollowingAxis, FollowingSiblingAxis, GetNamedInstancePart, GetNamedPart, InstanceOf, Invoke, IsEqv, MakeProcedure, MakeUnescapedData, map, MultiplyOp, NumberCompare, OrderedMap, ParentAxis, PrecedingAxis, PrecedingSiblingAxis, RelativeStep, SelfAxis, SetNamedPart, Setter, SlotGet, SlotSet, TreeScanner, TypeSwitch, ValuesFilter, ValuesMap

public interface CanInline

Inline an application, at the Expression level. In contrast, Inlineable is done at code generation time.

Method Summary
 Expression inline(ApplyExp exp, ExpWalker walker)
          Inline an application of this Procedure and return result.

Method Detail


Expression inline(ApplyExp exp,
                  ExpWalker walker)
Inline an application of this Procedure and return result. Can return original expression.