Class LangObjType

  extended by gnu.bytecode.Type
      extended by gnu.bytecode.ObjectType
          extended by gnu.kawa.lispexpr.LangObjType
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LangObjType
extends ObjectType
implements TypeValue

Field Summary
static LangObjType filepathType
static LangObjType pathType
static LangObjType URIType
Fields inherited from class gnu.bytecode.ObjectType
Fields inherited from class gnu.bytecode.Type
boolean_ctype, boolean_type, booleanValue_method, byte_type, char_type, clone_method, double_type, doubleValue_method, float_type, floatValue_method, int_type, intValue_method, java_lang_Class_type, long_type, longValue_method, neverReturnsType, nullType, number_type, pointer_type, reflectClass, short_type, string_type, throwable_type, toString_method, tostring_type, typeArray0, void_type
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object coerceFromObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Convert an object to a value of this Type.
 int compare(Type other)
          Return a numeric code showing "subtype" relationship: 1: if other is a pure subtype of this; 0: if has the same values; -1: if this is a pure subtype of other; -2: if they have values in common but neither is a subtype of the other; -3: if the types have no values in common.
 void emitCoerceFromObject(CodeAttr code)
          Compile (in given method) cast from Object to this Type.
 void emitIsInstance(Variable incoming, Compilation comp, Target target)
          Emit code for incoming instanceof this_type.
 void emitTestIf(Variable incoming, Declaration decl, Compilation comp)
          Emit code for if (incoming instanceof this_type) decl = incoming ....
 Procedure getConstructor()
          Get the constructor function for this type.
 Type getImplementationType()
          The type used to implement types not natively understood by the JVM.
 int getMethods(Filter filter, int searchSupers, java.util.Vector result, java.lang.String context)
 java.lang.Class getReflectClass()
          Get the java.lang.Class object for the representation type.
Methods inherited from class gnu.bytecode.ObjectType
getInternalName, isExisting, isInstance, promote, setExisting
Methods inherited from class gnu.bytecode.Type
coerceToObject, emitCoerceToObject, emitIsInstance, getName, getSignature, getSize, getSizeInWords, getType, hashCode, isMoreSpecific, isSubtype, isValidJavaTypeName, isVoid, lookupType, lowestCommonSuperType, make, registerTypeForClass, setName, setReflectClass, setSignature, signatureLength, signatureLength, signatureToName, signatureToPrimitive, signatureToType, signatureToType, swappedCompareResult, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final LangObjType pathType


public static final LangObjType filepathType


public static final LangObjType URIType
Method Detail


public int compare(Type other)
Description copied from class: Type
Return a numeric code showing "subtype" relationship: 1: if other is a pure subtype of this; 0: if has the same values; -1: if this is a pure subtype of other; -2: if they have values in common but neither is a subtype of the other; -3: if the types have no values in common. "Same member" is rather loose; by "A is a subtype of B" we mean that all instance of A can be "widened" to B. More formally, returns: 1: all B values can be converted to A without a coercion failure (i.e. a ClassCastException or overflow or major loss of information), but not vice versa. 0: all A values can be converted to B without a coercion failure and vice versa; -1: all A values can be converted to B without a coercion failure not not vice versa; -2: there are (potentially) some A values that can be converted to B, and some B values can be converted to A; -3: there are no A values that can be converted to B, and neither are there any B values that can be converted to A.

compare in class ObjectType


public int getMethods(Filter filter,
                      int searchSupers,
                      java.util.Vector result,
                      java.lang.String context)
getMethods in class ObjectType


public java.lang.Class getReflectClass()
Description copied from class: ObjectType
Get the java.lang.Class object for the representation type.

getReflectClass in class ObjectType


public Type getImplementationType()
Description copied from class: Type
The type used to implement types not natively understood by the JVM. Usually, the identity function. However, a language might handle union types or template types or type expressions calculated at run time. In that case return the type used at the JVM level, and known at compile time.

Specified by:
getImplementationType in interface TypeValue
getImplementationType in class ObjectType


public void emitIsInstance(Variable incoming,
                           Compilation comp,
                           Target target)
Description copied from interface: TypeValue
Emit code for incoming instanceof this_type. The implementation can use InstanceOf .emitIsInstance which is a conveniece method that calls emitTestIf.

Specified by:
emitIsInstance in interface TypeValue
incoming - Contains the value we are testing to see if it has the the type of 'this'. If null, use top-of-stack.
comp - The compilation state.
target - Where to leave the result.


public void emitTestIf(Variable incoming,
                       Declaration decl,
                       Compilation comp)
Description copied from interface: TypeValue
Emit code for if (incoming instanceof this_type) decl = incoming .... This method is designed for typeswitch applications, where this call is the first part of a conditional, so it must be followed by calls to emitElse and emitFi.

Specified by:
emitTestIf in interface TypeValue
incoming - Contains the value we are testing to see if it has the type of this. If null, use top-of-stack. May not be null if incoming is non-null.
decl - If non-null, assign value after coercion to Declaration.
comp - The compilation state.


public java.lang.Object coerceFromObject(java.lang.Object obj)
Description copied from class: ObjectType
Convert an object to a value of this Type. Throw a ClassCastException when this is not possible.

coerceFromObject in class ObjectType


public void emitCoerceFromObject(CodeAttr code)
Description copied from class: ObjectType
Compile (in given method) cast from Object to this Type.

emitCoerceFromObject in class ObjectType


public Procedure getConstructor()
Description copied from interface: TypeValue
Get the constructor function for this type. Returns null if there is no contructor function. Also returns null if this extends ClassType or ArrayType and standard Java constructors ( methods) should be used.

Specified by:
getConstructor in interface TypeValue