Class XInteger

  extended by java.lang.Number
      extended by gnu.math.Numeric
          extended by gnu.math.Quantity
              extended by gnu.math.Complex
                  extended by gnu.math.RealNum
                      extended by gnu.math.RatNum
                          extended by gnu.math.IntNum
                              extended by gnu.kawa.xml.XInteger
All Implemented Interfaces:,, java.lang.Comparable

public class XInteger
extends IntNum

An integer that is an instance of a more specific integer type. I.e. it has a type annotation and restrictions, in the XML Schema sense.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class gnu.math.IntNum
ival, words
Fields inherited from class gnu.math.Numeric
Method Summary
 XIntegerType getIntegerType()
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.IntNum
abs, add, add, add, add, add, alloc, asBigDecimal, asBigInteger, canonicalize, compare, compare, compare, denominator, div, divide, divide, doubleValue, equals, equals, format, gcd, gcd, getAbsolute, hashCode, intLength, intValue, intValue, isMinusOne, isNegative, isOdd, isOne, isZero, lcm, longValue, make, make, make, make, makeU, minusOne, modulo, mul, neg, neg, negate, numerator, one, power, power, quotient, quotient, readExternal, readResolve, realloc, remainder, roundToDouble, set, set, set, set, setAdd, setAdd, setNegative, setNegative, shift, sign, sub, ten, times, times, times, toExactInt, toInt, toString, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, wordsNeeded, writeExternal, zero
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.RatNum
add, compare, divide, equals, infinity, isExact, make, rationalize, times, toExact
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.RealNum
abs, add, compareTo, divide, exp, im, log, max, min, re, rneg, sin, sqrt, times, toExactInt, toExactInt, toInt, toScaledInt, toScaledInt, toScaledInt, toStringDecimal, toStringScientific, toStringScientific, toStringScientific, toStringScientific
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.Complex
add, addReversed, angle, compare, divide, divReversed, doubleImagValue, doubleRealValue, equals, imMinusOne, imOne, make, make, mulReversed, neg, number, polar, polar, power, times
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.Quantity
add, compare, compareReversed, dimensions, divide, imValue, make, make, make, reValue, times, unit
Methods inherited from class gnu.math.Numeric
add, div_inv, floatValue, geq, grt, mul_ident, sub, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Number
byteValue, shortValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public XIntegerType getIntegerType()