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6.68 FileSegment

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
My instances represent sections of files. I am primarily used by the compiler to record source code locations. I am not a part of the normal Smalltalk-80 kernel; I am specific to the GNU Smalltalk implementation.

6.68.1 FileSegment class: basic  (class)
6.68.2 FileSegment class: installing  (class)
6.68.3 FileSegment: basic  (instance)
6.68.4 FileSegment: equality  (instance)

6.68.1 FileSegment class: basic

on: aFile startingAt: startPos for: sizeInteger
Create a new FileSegment referring to the contents of the given file, from the startPos-th byte and for sizeInteger bytes

6.68.2 FileSegment class: installing

relocateFrom: startPath to: endPath
Remove startPath from all paths that start with it, and replace it with endPath. Needed to support $(DESTDIR) when installing

6.68.3 FileSegment: basic

Answer a String containing the required segment of the file

Answer the name of the file containing the segment

Answer the position in the file where the segment starts

relocateFrom: startPath to: endPath
Not commented.

Answer the length of the segment

withFileDo: aBlock
Evaluate aBlock passing it the FileStream in which the segment identified by the receiver is stored

6.68.4 FileSegment: equality

= aFileSegment
Answer whether the receiver and aFileSegment are equal.

Answer an hash value for the receiver.

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