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6.71 Fraction

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Data types
I represent rational numbers in the form (p/q) where p and q are integers. The arithmetic operations *, +, -, /, on fractions, all return a reduced fraction.

6.71.1 Fraction class: converting  (class)
6.71.2 Fraction class: instance creation  (class)
6.71.3 Fraction: accessing  (instance)
6.71.4 Fraction: arithmetic  (instance)
6.71.5 Fraction: coercing  (instance)
6.71.6 Fraction: comparing  (instance)
6.71.7 Fraction: converting  (instance)
6.71.8 Fraction: optimized cases  (instance)
6.71.9 Fraction: printing  (instance)
6.71.10 Fraction: testing  (instance)

6.71.1 Fraction class: converting

coerce: aNumber
Answer aNumber converted to a Fraction

6.71.2 Fraction class: instance creation

Initialize the receiver's class variables

numerator: nInteger denominator: dInteger
Answer a new instance of fraction (nInteger/dInteger)

6.71.3 Fraction: accessing

Answer the receiver's denominator

Answer the receiver's numerator

6.71.4 Fraction: arithmetic

* aNumber
Multiply two numbers and answer the result.

+ aNumber
Sum two numbers and answer the result.

- aNumber
Subtract aNumber from the receiver and answer the result.

/ aNumber
Divide the receiver by aNumber and answer the result.

// aNumber
Return the integer quotient of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity.

\\ aNumber
Return the remainder from dividing the receiver by aNumber, (using //).

Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10)

6.71.5 Fraction: coercing

coerce: aNumber
Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class

Return the receiver's generality

Truncate the receiver and return the truncated result

Coerce 1 to the receiver's class

Coerce 0 to the receiver's class

6.71.6 Fraction: comparing

< arg
Test if the receiver is less than arg.

<= arg
Test if the receiver is less than or equal to arg.

= arg
Test if the receiver equals arg.

> arg
Test if the receiver is more than arg.

>= arg
Test if the receiver is greater than or equal to arg.

Answer an hash value for the receiver

6.71.7 Fraction: converting

Answer the receiver converted to a Float

Answer the receiver converted to a Fraction

6.71.8 Fraction: optimized cases

Return the receiver, with its sign changed.

raisedToInteger: anInteger
Return self raised to the anInteger-th power.

Return the reciprocal of the receiver.

Return the square of the receiver.

6.71.9 Fraction: printing

printOn: aStream
Print a representation of the receiver on aStream

storeOn: aStream
Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream

6.71.10 Fraction: testing

Answer whether the receiver is rational - true

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