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6.94 Message

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I am a virtually existent class. By that I mean that logically instances of my class are created whenever a message is sent to an object, but in reality my instances are only created to hold a message that has failed, so that error reporting methods can examine the sender and arguments.

6.94.1 Message class: creating instances  (class)
6.94.2 Message: accessing  (instance)
6.94.3 Message: basic  (instance)

6.94.1 Message class: creating instances

selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray
Create a new Message with the given selector and arguments

6.94.2 Message: accessing

Answer the first of the receiver's arguments

Answer the receiver's arguments

arguments: anArray
Set the receiver's arguments

Answer the receiver's selector

selector: aSymbol
Set the receiver's selector

6.94.3 Message: basic

printOn: aStream
Print a representation of the receiver on aStream

reinvokeFor: aReceiver
Resend to aReceiver - present for compatibility

sendTo: aReceiver
Resend to aReceiver

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