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6.97 MethodContext

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
My instances represent an actively executing method. They record various bits of information about the execution environment, and contain the execution stack.

6.97.1 MethodContext: accessing  (instance)
6.97.2 MethodContext: printing  (instance)

6.97.1 MethodContext: accessing

Answer the MethodContext to which the receiver refers (i.e. the receiver itself)

Answer whether the receiver is a block context

To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context whose selector is nil and which can be used as a marker for the current execution environment. Answer whether the receiver is that kind of context.

Return the context from which the receiver was sent

6.97.2 MethodContext: printing

printOn: aStream
Print a representation for the receiver on aStream

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