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6.107 ObjectMemory

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I provide a few methods that enable one to tune the virtual machine's usage of memory. In addition, I can signal to my dependants some `events' that can happen during the virtual machine's life.

6.107.1 ObjectMemory class: builtins  (class)
6.107.2 ObjectMemory class: dependancy  (class)
6.107.3 ObjectMemory class: initialization  (class)
6.107.4 ObjectMemory class: saving the image  (class)

6.107.1 ObjectMemory class: builtins

addressOf: anObject
Returns the address of the actual object that anObject references. Note that, with the exception of fixed objects this address is only valid until the next garbage collection; thus it's pretty risky to count on the address returned by this method for very long.

addressOfOOP: anObject
Returns the address of the OOP (object table slot) for anObject. The address is an Integer and will not change over time (i.e. is immune from garbage collector action) except if the virtual machine is stopped and restarted.

Force a full garbage collection

Answer whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout

gcMessage: aBoolean
Set whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout

Answer the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory

growThresholdPercent: growPercent
Set the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory

growTo: numBytes
Grow the amount of memory used by the system grows to numBytes.

Print statistics about what the VM did since #resetStatistics was last called. Meaningful only if gst was made with `make profile' or `make profile_vm'

Quit the Smalltalk environment. Whether files are closed and other similar cleanup occurs depends on the platform

quit: exitStatus
Quit the Smalltalk environment, passing the exitStatus integer to the OS. Files are closed and other similar cleanups occur.

Reset the statistics about the VM which #printStatistics can print.

snapshot: aString
Save an image on the aString file

Answer the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows

spaceGrowRate: rate
Set the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows

6.107.2 ObjectMemory class: dependancy

update: aspect
Fire the init blocks for compatibility with previous versions

6.107.3 ObjectMemory class: initialization

Initialize the globals

6.107.4 ObjectMemory class: saving the image

Save a snapshot on the image file that was loaded on startup.

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