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6.110 PluggableAdaptor

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Data types
I mediate between complex get/set behavior and the #value/#value: protocol used by ValueAdaptors. The get/set behavior can be implemented by two blocks, or can be delegated to another object with messages such as #someProperty to get and #someProperty: to set.

6.110.1 PluggableAdaptor class: creating instances  (class)
6.110.2 PluggableAdaptor: accessing  (instance)

6.110.1 PluggableAdaptor class: creating instances

getBlock: getBlock putBlock: putBlock
Answer a PluggableAdaptor using the given blocks to implement #value and #value:

on: anObject aspect: aSymbol
Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's aSymbol message to implement #value, and anObject's aSymbol: message (aSymbol followed by a colon) to implement #value:

on: anObject getSelector: getSelector putSelector: putSelector
Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's getSelector message to implement #value, and anObject's putSelector message to implement #value:

on: anObject index: anIndex
Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's #at: and #at:put: message to implement #value and #value:; the first parameter of #at: and #at:put: is anIndex

on: aDictionary key: aKey
Same as #on:index:. Provided for clarity and completeness.

6.110.2 PluggableAdaptor: accessing

Get the value of the receiver.

value: anObject
Set the value of the receiver.

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