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6.147 SystemExceptions InvalidValue

Defined in namespace Smalltalk SystemExceptions
Category: Language-Exceptions
I am raised when one invokes a method with an invalid argument.

6.147.1 SystemExceptions InvalidValue class: signaling  (class)
6.147.2 SystemExceptions InvalidValue: accessing  (instance)

6.147.1 SystemExceptions InvalidValue class: signaling

signalOn: value
Answer an exception reporting the parameter as invalid.

signalOn: value reason: reason
Answer an exception reporting `value' as invalid, for the given reason.

6.147.2 SystemExceptions InvalidValue: accessing

Answer a textual description of the exception.

Answer an exception's message text.

Answer the object that was found to be invalid.

value: anObject
Set the object that was found to be invalid.

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