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6.183 ZeroDivide

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Exceptions
A ZeroDivide exception is raised by numeric classes when a program tries to divide by zero. Information on the dividend is available to the handler.

6.183.1 ZeroDivide class: instance creation  (class)
6.183.2 ZeroDivide: accessing  (instance)
6.183.3 ZeroDivide: description  (instance)

6.183.1 ZeroDivide class: instance creation

dividend: aNumber
Create a new ZeroDivide object remembering that the dividend was aNumber.

Create a new ZeroDivide object; the dividend is conventionally set to zero.

6.183.2 ZeroDivide: accessing

Answer the number that was being divided by zero

6.183.3 ZeroDivide: description

Answer a textual description of the exception.

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