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5.6 Code blocks

The Account/Saving/Checking example from the last chapter has several deficiencies. It has no record of the checks and their values. Worse, it allows you to write a check when there are no more checks--the Integer value for the number of checks will just calmly go negative! To fix these problems we will need to introduce more sophisticated control structures.

5.6.1 Conditions and decision making  Making some decisions
5.6.2 Iteration and collections  Making some loops

5.6.1 Conditions and decision making

Let's first add some code to keep you from writing too many checks. We will simply update our current method for the Checking class; if you have entered the methods from the previous chapters, the old definition will be overridden by this new one.
   !Checking methodsFor: 'spending'!
   writeCheck: amount
       | num |

       (checksleft < 1)
           ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'Out of checks' ].
       num := checknum.
       checknum := checknum + 1.
       checksleft := checksleft - 1.
       self spend: amount
       ^ num
   ! !

The two new lines are:
   (checksleft < 1)
       ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'Out of checks' ].

At first glance, this appears to be a completely new structure. But, look again! The only new construct is the square brackets.

The first line is a simple boolean expression. checksleft is our integer, as initialized by our Checking class. It is sent the message <, and the argument 1. The current number bound to checksleft compares itself against 1, and returns a boolean object telling whether it is less than 1.

Now this boolean, which is either true or false, is sent the message ifTrue:, with an argument which is called a code block. A code block is an object, just like any other. But instead of holding a number, or a Set, it holds executable statements. So what does a boolean do with a code block which is an argument to a ifTrue: message? It depends on which boolean! If the object is the true object, it executes the code block it has been handed. If it is the false object, it returns without executing the code block. So the traditional conditional construct has been replaced in Smalltalk with boolean objects which execute the indicated code block or not, depending on their truth-value. (25)

In the case of our example, the actual code within the block sends an error message to the current object. error: is handled by the parent class Object, and will pop up an appropriate complaint when the user tries to write too many checks. In general, the way you handle a fatal error in Smalltalk is to send an error message to yourself (through the self pseudo-variable), and let the error handling mechanisms inherited from the Object class take over.

As you might guess, there is also an ifFalse: message which booleans accept. It works exactly like ifTrue:, except that the logic has been reversed; a boolean false will execute the code block, and a boolean true will not.

You should take a little time to play with this method of representing conditionals. You can run your checkbook, but can also invoke the conditional functions directly:
   true ifTrue: [ 'Hello, world!' printNl ] !
   false ifTrue: [ 'Hello, world!' printNl ] !
   true ifFalse: [ 'Hello, world!' printNl ] !
   false ifFalse: [ 'Hello, world!' printNl ] !

5.6.2 Iteration and collections

Now that we have some sanity checking in place, it remains for us to keep a log of the checks we write. We will do so by adding a Dictionary object to our Checking class, logging checks into it, and providing some messages for querying our check-writing history. But this enhancement brings up a very interesting question--when we change the "shape" of an object (in this case, by adding our dictionary as a new instance variable to the Checking class), what happens to the existing class, and its objects? The answer is that the old objects are mutated to keep their new shape, and all methods are recompiled so that they work with the new shape. New objects will have exactly the same shape as old ones, but old objects might happen to be initialized incorrectly (since the newly added variables will be simply put to nil). As this can lead to very puzzling behavior, it is usually best to eradicate all of the old objects, and then implement your changes.

If this were more than a toy object accounting system, this would probably entail saving the objects off, converting to the new class, and reading the objects back into the new format. For now, we'll just ignore what's currently there, and define our latest Checking class.

   Account subclass: #Checking
       instanceVariableNames: 'checknum checksleft history'
       classVariableNames: ''
       poolDictionaries: ''
       category: nil !

This is the same syntax as the last time we defined a checking account, except that we have three instance variables: the checknum and checksleft which have always been there, and our new history variable; since we have removed no instance variables, the old method will be recompiled without errors. We must now feed in our definitions for each of the messages our object can handle, since we are basically defining a new class under an old name.

With our new Checking instance variable, we are all set to start recording our checking history. Our first change will be in the handling of the init message:
   !Checking methodsFor: 'initialization'!
       checksleft := 0.
       history := Dictionary new.
       ^ super init
   ! !

This provides us with a Dictionary, and hooks it to our new history variable.

Our next method records each check as it's written. The method is a little more involved, as we've added some more sanity checks to the writing of checks.

   !Checking methodsFor: 'spending'!
   writeCheck: amount
       | num |

       "Sanity check that we have checks left in our checkbook"
       (checksleft < 1)
           ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'Out of checks' ].

       "Make sure we've never used this check number before"
       num := checknum.
       (history includesKey: num)
           ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'Duplicate check number' ].

       "Record the check number and amount"
       history at: num put: amount.

       "Update our next checknumber, checks left, and balance"
       checknum := checknum + 1.
       checksleft := checksleft - 1.
       self spend: amount.
       ^ num
   ! !

We have added three things to our latest version of writeCheck:. First, since our routine has become somewhat involved, we have added comments. In Smalltalk, single quotes are used for strings; double quotes enclose comments. We have added comments before each section of code.

Second, we have added a sanity check on the check number we propose to use. Dictionary objects respond to the includesKey: message with a boolean, depending on whether something is currently stored under the given key in the dictionary. If the check number is already used, the error: message is sent to our object, aborting the operation.

Finally, we add a new entry to the dictionary. We have already seen the at:put: message (often found written as #at:put:, with a sharp in front of it) at the start of this tutorial. Our use here simply associates a check number with an amount of money spent.(26) With this, we now have a working Checking class, with reasonable sanity checks and per-check information.

Let us finish the chapter by enhancing our ability to get access to all this information. We will start with some simple print-out functions.

   !Checking methodsFor: 'printing'!
   printOn: stream
       super printOn: stream.
       ', checks left: ' printOn: stream.
       checksleft printOn: stream.
       ', checks written: ' printOn: stream.
       (history size) printOn: stream.
   check: num
       | c |
       c := history
           at: num
           ifAbsent: [ ^self error: 'No such check #' ].
   ! !

There should be very few surprises here. We format and print our information, while letting our parent classes handle their own share of the work. When looking up a check number, we once again take advantage of the fact that blocks of executable statements are an object; in this case, we are using the at:ifAbsent: message supported by the Dictionary class. As you can probably anticipate, if the requested key value is not found in the dictionary, the code block is executed. This allows us to customize our error handling, as the generic error would only tell the user "key not found".

While we can look up a check if we know its number, we have not yet written a way to "riffle through" our collection of checks. The following function loops over the checks, printing them out one per line. Because there is currently only a single numeric value under each key, this might seem wasteful. But we have already considered storing multiple values under each check number, so it is best to leave some room for each item. And, of course, because we are simply sending a printing message to an object, we will not have to come back and re-write this code so long as the object in the dictionary honors our printNl/printOn: messages sages.

   !Checking methodsFor: 'printing'!
       history associationsDo: [ :assoc |
           (assoc key) print.
           ' - ' print.
           (assoc value) printNl.
   ! !

We still see a code block object being passed to the dictionary, but :assoc | is something new. A code block can optionally receive arguments. In this case, the argument is the key/value pair, known in Smalltalk as an Association. This is the way that a dictionary object stores its key/value pairs internally. In fact, when you sent an at:put: message to a dictionary object, the first thing it does is pack them into a new object from the Association class. If you only wanted the value portion, you could call history with a do: message instead; if you only wanted the key portion, you could call history with a keysDo: message instead.

Our code merely uses the key and value messages to ask the association for the two values. We then invoke our printing interface upon them. We don't want a newline until the end, so the print message is used instead. It is pretty much the same as printNl, since both implicitly use Transcript, except it doesn't add a newline.

It is important that you be clear on the relationship between an Association and the argument to a code block. In this example, we passed a associationsDo: message to a dictionary. A dictionary invokes the passed code block with an Association when processing an associationsDo: message. But code blocks can receive any type of argument: the type is determined by the code which invokes the code block; Dictionary's associationDo: method, in this case. In the next chapter we'll see more on how code blocks are used; we'll also look at how you can invoke code blocks in your own code.

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