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6.1 AlternativeObjectProxy

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Streams-Files
I am a proxy that uses the same ObjectDumper to store an object which is not the object to be dumped, but from which the dumped object can be reconstructed. I am an abstract class, using me would result in infinite loops because by default I try to store the same object again and again. See the method comments for more information

6.1.1 AlternativeObjectProxy class: instance creation  (class)
6.1.2 AlternativeObjectProxy: accessing  (instance)

6.1.1 AlternativeObjectProxy class: instance creation

acceptUsageForClass: aClass
The receiver was asked to be used as a proxy for the class aClass. Answer whether the registration is fine. By default, answer true except if AlternativeObjectProxy itself is being used.

on: anObject
Answer a proxy to be used to save anObject. IMPORTANT: this method MUST be overridden so that the overridden version sends #on: to super passing an object that is NOT the same as anObject (alternatively, you can override #dumpTo:, which is what NullProxy does), because that would result in an infinite loop! This also means that AlternativeObjectProxy must never be used directly -- only as a superclass.

6.1.2 AlternativeObjectProxy: accessing

Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it. A subclass will usually override this

object: theObject
Set the object to be dumped to theObject. This should not be overridden.

Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it. This method must not be overridden

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