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6.34 CompiledCode

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Implementation
I represent code that has been compiled. I am an abstract superclass for blocks and methods

6.34.1 CompiledCode class: cache flushing  (class)
6.34.2 CompiledCode class: instance creation  (class)
6.34.3 CompiledCode: accessing  (instance)
6.34.4 CompiledCode: basic  (instance)
6.34.5 CompiledCode: copying  (instance)
6.34.6 CompiledCode: debugging  (instance)
6.34.7 CompiledCode: printing  (instance)
6.34.8 CompiledCode: testing accesses  (instance)
6.34.9 CompiledCode: translation  (instance)

6.34.1 CompiledCode class: cache flushing

Answer any kind of cache mantained by a just-in-time code translator in the virtual machine (if any). Do nothing for now.

6.34.2 CompiledCode class: instance creation

newMethod: numBytecodes header: anInteger literals: literals
Answer a new CompiledMethod with room for the given bytes and the given header

newMethod: numBytecodes header: anInteger numLiterals: numLiterals
Answer a new CompiledMethod with room for the given bytes and the given header

6.34.3 CompiledCode: accessing

at: anIndex put: aBytecode
Store aBytecode as the anIndex-th bytecode

blockAt: anIndex
Answer the CompiledBlock attached to the anIndex-th literal, assuming that the literal is a BlockClosure.

bytecodeAt: anIndex
Answer the anIndex-th bytecode

bytecodeAt: anIndex put: aBytecode
Store aBytecode as the anIndex-th bytecode

Private - Answer the optimization flags for the receiver

literalAt: anIndex
Answer the anIndex-th literal

literalAt: anInteger put: aValue
Store aValue as the anIndex-th literal

Answer `literals'.

Answer the class in which the receiver is installed.

methodClass: methodClass
Set the receiver's class instance variable

Answer the number of arguments for the receiver

Answer the number of literals for the receiver

Answer the number of temporaries for the receiver

Answer the primitive called by the receiver

Answer the selector through which the method is called

selector: aSymbol
Set the selector through which the method is called

Answer the number of stack slots needed for the receiver

6.34.4 CompiledCode: basic

= aMethod
Answer whether the receiver and aMethod are equal

Answer an hash value for the receiver

Answer the method category

methodCategory: aCategory
Set the method category to the given string

Answer the method source code (a FileSegment or String or nil)

Answer the file where the method source code is stored

Answer the location where the method source code is stored in the methodSourceFile

Answer the method source code as a string

6.34.5 CompiledCode: copying

Answer a deep copy of the receiver

6.34.6 CompiledCode: debugging

breakAtLine: lineNumber
This method's functionality has not been implemented yet.

breakpointAt: byteIndex
Put a break-point at the given bytecode

Print the contents of the receiver in a verbose way.

removeBreakpointAt: byteIndex
Remove the break-point at the given bytecode (don't fail if none was set

6.34.7 CompiledCode: printing

printOn: aStream
Print the receiver's class and selector on aStream

6.34.8 CompiledCode: testing accesses

accesses: instVarIndex
Answer whether the receiver access the instance variable with the given index

containsLiteral: anObject
Answer if the receiver contains a literal which is equal to anObject.

hasBytecode: byte between: firstIndex and: lastIndex
Answer whether the receiver includes the `byte' bytecode in any of the indices between firstIndex and lastIndex.

jumpDestinationAt: anIndex
Answer where the jump at bytecode index `anIndex' lands

refersTo: anObject
Answer whether the receiver refers to the given object

6.34.9 CompiledCode: translation

Flush the just-in-time translated code for the receiver (if any).

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