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6.53 DateTime

Defined in namespace Smalltalk
Category: Language-Data types
My instances represent timestamps.

6.53.1 DateTime class: information  (class)
6.53.2 DateTime class: instance creation  (class)
6.53.3 DateTime class: instance creation (non-ANSI)  (class)
6.53.4 DateTime: basic  (instance)
6.53.5 DateTime: computations  (instance)
6.53.6 DateTime: printing  (instance)
6.53.7 DateTime: splitting in dates & times  (instance)
6.53.8 DateTime: storing  (instance)
6.53.9 DateTime: testing  (instance)
6.53.10 DateTime: time zones  (instance)

6.53.1 DateTime class: information

Answer `ClockPrecision'.

Initialize the receiver's class variables

6.53.2 DateTime class: instance creation

Answer an instance of the receiver referring to the current date and time.

readFrom: aStream
Parse an instance of the receiver from aStream

year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s
Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given year, and setting the time part to the given hour, minute, and second

year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s offset: ofs
Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given year. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration), and the time part to the given hour, minute, and second

year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s
Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year, setting the time part to the given hour, minute, and second

year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s offset: ofs
Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration), and the the time part to the given hour, minute, and second

6.53.3 DateTime class: instance creation (non-ANSI)

fromDays: days seconds: secs offset: ofs
Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration), and the the time part to the given hour, minute, and second

6.53.4 DateTime: basic

+ aDuration
Answer a new Date pointing dayCount past the receiver

- aDateTimeOrDuration
Answer a new Date pointing dayCount before the receiver

6.53.5 DateTime: computations

Answer the date as the number of seconds from 1/1/1901.

Answer the day of week of the receiver. Unlike Dates, DateAndTimes have 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday

Answer the hour in a 24-hour clock

Answer the hour in a 12-hour clock

Answer the hour in a 24-hour clock

Answer either #AM (for anti-meridian) or #PM (for post-meridian)

Answer the minute

Answer the month represented by the receiver

6.53.6 DateTime: printing

printOn: aStream
Print a representation for the receiver on aStream

6.53.7 DateTime: splitting in dates & times

Answer a Date referring to the same day as the receiver

Answer a Time referring to the same time (from midnight) as the receiver

at: anIndex
Since in the past timestamps were referred to as Arrays containing a Date and a Time (in this order), this method provides access to DateTime objects like if they were two-element Arrays.

6.53.8 DateTime: storing

storeOn: aStream
Store on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver

6.53.9 DateTime: testing

< aDateTime
Answer whether the receiver indicates a date preceding aDate

= aDateTime
Answer whether the receiver indicates the same date as aDate

Answer an hash value for the receievr

6.53.10 DateTime: time zones

Answer the receiver, since DateTime objects store themselves in Local time

Convert the receiver to UTC time, and answer a new DateTime object.

Answer the receiver's offset from UTC to local time (e.g. +3600 seconds for Central Europe Time, -3600*6 seconds for Eastern Standard Time). The offset is expressed as a Duration

offset: anOffset
Answer a copy of the receiver with the offset from UTC to local time changed to anOffset (a Duration).

Answer an abbreviated indication of the receiver's offset, expressed as `shhmm', where `hh' is the number of hours and `mm' is the number of minutes between UTC and local time, and `s' can be `+' for the Eastern hemisphere and `-' for the Western hemisphere.

Answer the time zone name for the receiver (currently, it is simply `GMT +xxxx', where `xxxx' is the receiver's #timeZoneAbbreviation).

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