Package gnu.iou

Interface Summary
copy A clone helper function for objects that would not be cloned when a container is cloneing itself, but necessarily need to be cloned in every case in order to preserve essential semantics for multiple users.

Class Summary
bbi Wrapper for `bbuf' exporting standard input API.
bbo Wrapper for `bbuf' exporting standard output API.
bbp Pipe for `bbo' and `bbi' implements input blocking over `bbuf'.
bbuf Byte buffer with `InputStream' and `OutputStream' emulation APIs for convenience in software using streams or buffers.
bpo Print stream over `linebuf'.
chbuf String oriented character buffer used by `utf8' and others.
dbo Debugging `bbo' copies writes to file.
format Tool parses string with '%format%' replaceable tokens, inserts arguments.
lck Particular type of locker ("mutex") serializes entry into area(s) "protected" by a `lck.serialize()' "gate" or "gateway".
linebuf Line oriented string buffer, or dynamic string array container.
pte Print stream `tee'.
queue A linked- list queue (or stack).
queue.Enqueued List node can be subclassed, eg, for a soft queue.
sgmlp SGML Lexer splits document text string into lines and columns delimited by tags.
tee Output stream `tee'.
templ Parse input `String' text into lines, and then columns split by "%name%" tokens.
utf8 This class contains two static tools for doing UTF-8 encoding and decoding.